Jason (V)

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The other days at Hogwarts went the way they should have gone.

There was no sign of Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew was acting normal. Crookshanks, Hermione's cat, was chasing Scabbers all around the school, since he also recognized that Scabbers was Peter in his rat form, somehow.

Crookshanks was actually a smart cat, so he might have heard and understood everything when the trio was talking in front of him. The weasel started complaining to Hermione to keep her cat away from his precious rat.

"Your bloody cat is scaring my dear Scabbers, and that's annoying me." Weasley complained.

"Hey, Weasley, what's this?" Hermione asked him showing a paper with the number 0 written on it.


"Wrong, Weasley. That's the number of shits I give about your rat, and your annoyance," Hermione replied with sassiness in her voice.

"OHHHHHH!!" The whole common room shouted at that reply.

All in all, their daily lives hadn't been disturbed, much to Harry and Jason's annoyance. "Life isn't all about the thrills, boys." Hermione would tell them again and again.

Their Christmas was also normal. Harry had decided to stay at Hogwarts, and Jason also stayed with him. Hermione, who used to go home every year for Christmas, had decided to spend this year with her friends.

Their morning started by looking at the presents. Harry used to get a lot of presents from the wizards all over the world. Jason and Hermione only got presents from their friends, family and the teachers. This year, however, Jason's gift pile seemed to contain something more than other years.

"What's that?" Hermione asked Jason when he took out a chain with a strange symbol dangling on it. The symbol seemed to be a circle inside a triangle with a straight line passing between them.

"The symbol of my family, namely Gellert Grindlewald." Jason replied.

"Who would send you that?" Harry asked him.

"I have a faint idea."Jason replied, but didn't say anything further on the matter. "Herms, can you check it for any charms or spells, or anything remotely dangerous?"


The next surprising gift was from Remus. He had sent an album containing his time with James and Lily to Harry. To Hermione he hand sent Lily Potter's journal that contained many spells and potion-making processes. For Jason, he sent a book of advanced DADA spells that James and Sirius had found from the ancient times. Most of them were about elemental magic, a type of magic that can be used to control elements.

Jason had given Harry and Hermione a few books from the Grindlewald vault. Hermione had bought a few DVDs of Jason's and Harry's favorite movies, like the original Star Wars, Mission Impossible, and Fight Club. To say they were happy would be an understatement.

The two boys had practically jumped at Hermione, and Jason had almost kissed her (of course, she went red). Harry had given Hermione a book that she had always wanted to read, but never got the chance to buy it. Hermione gave him a really tight hug and pecked him on the cheeks.

And to Jason....

"It's a pen. This is a goddamn pen, what the hell do you want me to do with a fancy pen?" Jason asked Harry.

The pen was quite fancy; it seemed gold plated.

"Press on the back," Harry replied.

Jason did so, pressing at the button on the back of the pen.

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