Hermione (VII)

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'Expecto Patronum!'

Hermione heard Snape and Harry yell at the same time. From the tip of their wands, two silver glows flew out towards the dementors. The silver glows slowly changed shape, with Harry's becoming a stag and Snape's a doe.

"I thought he could control it," said Draco. He bent down towards Jason, beside Hermione, while Ginny kept standing, not being able to take her off of the dementors.

"He uses happy memories for that," Hermione replied," and that's nearly impossible when you're being attacked by something that sucks happiness out of you."

Draco nodded understandingly. "So what do we do?"

"We have to either take them from here, or drive those creatures away," Hermione replied.

"Because of these two lose control, we're all dead." She added as an afterthought.

"Guys, we can't hold them for much longer," Harry shouted at his friends.

Sirius was bent over Remus trying to talk some sense into him. Ginny was still standing looking at the dementors beyond the shield of the patronuses. "Ginny!" Draco called her. "Where's Pettigrew?"

Hermione's eyes left Jason's struggling face and tried to find Pettigrew. "Ginny!" Draco called again.

"It's no use," Hermione said to him. "She's in a trance; you have to wake her up, and go help Harry and Severus."

"No, I have to go find Pettigrew," Draco replied.

"No, listen, Draco, he's gone," Hermione said. "Trelawney saw it; it can't be changed. What we have to do is make sure that all of us survive, at least."

Draco seemed to struggle for a decision, but went towards Ginny after a while. He shook her out of the trance, and the duo went towards Harry and Snape.

'Expecto Patronum!' They shouted at the same time and their patronuses came out from the tip of their wand.

Jason's groan caused Hermione to shift her focus back on him.

"Jason? Jason, can you hear me?" Hermione called him.

Instead of replying, Jason groaned even loudly. His eyes glowed, but they weren't the normal werewolf golden glow; they were like his natural eyes, both of them glowing bright blue. It seemed like electrical sparks were dancing behind those eyes of his.

Hermione didn't have the time to ponder on this because the next second, Jason's groan turned into a roar, startling her. Hermione knew Jason was stopping himself, holding himself back.

He was trying his best to focus on the happy memories, but the dementors' presence didn't let that happen.

"Jason. Jason, listen to me," Hermione said in a stern voice, controlling her worries, making sure she was loud and clear. "Let it go, Jason. Forget about trying not to hurt people, forget about trying to stay in control, and just give in. Give in to that anger, that rage, everything you have. Let the monster in."

Hermione knew that that wasn't the ideal suggestion, neither a safe one. Nevertheless, she said it. It felt like the only logical thing to say.

Then, Jason roared. He roared louder than he had ever roared, his voice resonating throughout the grounds of Hogwarts. Suddenly, his body jerked upwards. Hermione moved a bit backwards, and stood up.

She saw Jason's body turning. The sound of his bones breaking went through her ears. Fur came out of his body and covered him completely. His teeth became more canine, and fangs came out. His finger nails grew longer, and turned into claws.

After a while, Jason completely disappeared, and where he stood, Hermione saw a majestic, big, white furred wolf with bright blue eyes. "Jason?" Hermione called. Jason growled in response. Hermione moved towards him slowly and sat down a little farther than him. She then outstretched her hand, and waited.

The majestic wolf slowly came towards her, and leaned towards her hand, slowly rubbing his cheeks at it. Hermione smiled. At that moment she felt like she could stay there for her whole life, in that small moment of peace shared by her and Jason. She took a deep breath before realizing that the moment of peace they shared was indeed small.

"Can you keep yourself in control?" Hermione asked Jason, and felt him nodding. "Great. Go to the forest, take Remus with you. When this is over, I'll come find you."

Jason turned towards his father, who was still screaming. He quickly went below Remus, and lifted him at his back, then ran away howling.

Hermione stood up. The boys were certainly in trouble, but before she could go and help them, all of them were knocked back by the dementors. Hermione shouted the spell 'Expecto Patronum!', makin a white shield appear in front of her.

Her patronus wasn't strong yet, but it could hold the dementors back for a while.

"If only Jason was here," Draco said.

"We can't always depend on him, can we?" Hermione said in a loud voice.

Hearing this, Harry stood up and walked beside her. "Get back, Hermione," he said in a small voice.

"Are you sure?" Hermione asked him.

"I'm tired of being weak," Harry replied. Hermione wasn't sure what he meant, but she somehow knew that everything was going to be fine.

Harry took a deep breath. 'EXPECTO PATRONUM'. He shouted.

From the tip his wand came a silver light. It slowly started to change its shape, turning into a stag after a while.

The silver stag's bright light started to spread everywhere, illuminating the whole grounds.

"Is it working?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah, yeah it's working," Hermione replied looking at Harry's patronus, which was driving the dementors away.

After a while, all the dementors had run away. Harry finally stopped his spell, and fell down to the ground.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL WAS THAT?" Someone shouted from behind them.

"He's still here?" Draco asked.

Hermione, who had gone to help Harry get up, looked back and saw the familiarly unpleasant sight of Ronald Weasley.

"How could you just leave me here and forget about me?" the weasel asked them.

"Oh, yes, why indeed?" Severus said sarcastically.

"Where's Scabbers?"

"I killed him," Ginny said, obviously lying. "That piece of shit rat has gone to the afterlife, hell probably."


'Stupefy' Ginny said, knocking her brother out.

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