Hermione (IV)

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"Who are you?" Dumbledore asked the duo inside the force field.

"Remus J. Lupin, teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"Severus Snape, potions master, and teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"Who were you to James and Lily Potter?" Dumbledore asked again.

"I was their friend since Hogwarts. The three of us shared a deep bond with each other," Remus replied.

"I was Lily's friend since before Hogwarts, when we were just children. I hated James at first, but over time, due to Lily, we became close friends," Severus said.

"When the Potters went into hiding by using the Fidelius charm, were any of you their secret keeper?"

"I was not the secret keeper."

"I was not the secret keeper."

They answered without any hesitation. Dumbledore looked at Ginny and nodded, and Ginny stopped the spell.

"Well, Jason, your suspicions were wrong," Harry looked at him. "Now, if you don't mind, maybe we should focus on catching Sirius and killing him."

"Not so fast, genius. There's still one more person left," Jason replied.

"What, you mean Peter?" McGonagall asked her student.


"Jason, Sirius killed Peter in that confrontation," McGonagall said again.

"What proof do we have?" Jason asked.

"What do you mean proof?" Harry asked him. "The only thing left about Peter was his toe, and there were plenty of witnesses."

"Who? Name one," Jason said. "All the muggles who were there were already dead by the time the aurors reached the place."

Everyone thought about it but gave no answer.

"Did they even put him on trial? Did they check his wand? Did they check the magical residuals? Tell me."

"No, no they didn't. As soon as the aurors reached there, they arrested Sirius and sent him to Azkaban," Dumbledore replied.

"What are you all even talking about?" Harry asked. "Pettigrew is dead. He died fighting Sirius. And Sirius betrayed my parents."

"We don't have concrete proof that-"

"Sirius is near Hogwarts. He has been stalking me for months. He is trying to kill me. We may not have proof, but we can't deny that Sirius doesn't have good intentions."

"Harry, I know how you feel-," Jason began but once again was interrupted by his friend.

"NO YOU DON'T KNOW HOW IT FEELS!" Harry shouted so loud that everyone was sure the whole school could hear it. "Your parents didn't die because of him. You weren't on the verge of death because of him. You are not the one who never got to see his parents because of him. You are not the one whose childhood was ruined because him. And you certainly are not the one whose sworn enemy he is serving."

Everyone was silent at Harry's reaction. Granted, he had a right to be angry but no one had ever seen him shouting at his friends.

"I don't care what you think, or do. I don't need your doubts or speculations. I will ask him myself, after I hunt him down," Harry said before he walked out of the room.

Everyone inside the room stayed silent. Jason looked like he was on the verge of tears. Hermione slowly touched his arm, and he looked up, trying to stay calm.

"Draco, can you please keep a close eye on him? And Ginny, you too?" Jason asked them.

Draco and Ginny nodded and went after Harry. Then, Jason looked at Hermione. "Close your eyes, and take my hand. I'll show you a place, check if there is anyone there," he said. "Don't look for magical energy, look for people."

Hermione did as Jason told her, and closed her eyes. After a while, she took Jason's hand, and saw the image in his mind. "Are you sure?" Hermione asked Jason.

"Yeah," he replied softly.

Hermione checked for anyone living there. She checked the whole house, but found no one there. "There isn't anyone, there."

Jason nodded. Hermione opened her eyes, and looked at him. She still wasn't sure what his plan was, but she knew it couldn't be good. She grasped his hand tightly, while Jason asked Remus and Severus to teach her and Harry the patronus charm.

The teachers went out of the room, leaving Hermione with Jason. "Just ask it, Hermione," he said.

"Why do you want to go there again? You hate that place; you're scared of that place, Jason."

The place in question was Jason's old house; the same house where he had gotten abused by his own family.

"My father once told me that Grindlewalds had certain powers that no one else on the world had. Among them was the power to look back at the past. I want to learn that power," Jason replied.

"Then, I'll come with you," Hermione said in determined tone. "I have seen what that place does to you, Jason. I can't let you go alone."

"And I can't let you leave Harry alone. Please, Hermione, just let me do this alone."

Hermione still wasn't convinced, but she understood him. Harry couldn't be left alone right now. That impulsive boy could do anything.

"I'll be back in a few days. I promise," Jason said to her, looking at her eyes with a look she hadn't seen on Jason before; a look of love, care, and worry all at the same time.

"Bow down your head," she said. Jason looked a bit shocked but did it nonetheless. Hermione then pecked him on his forehead.

"The deal is sealed now. No take backs," she said as Jason smiled. She then let go of his hand.

Jason looked at her one last time before his body was enveloped in a pitch black thing, and he disappeared.

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