Jason (I)

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Jason walked back to the Leaky Cauldron with his two best friends. He missed being with them. Jason didn't really enjoy Hogwarts. The place was just too much for him. But Harry and Hermione made it tolerable.

Jason had a reputation at Hogwarts and the wizarding world as a whole, much like Harry. His full name was Jason Grindlewald. One of the greatest dark wizards of history, Gellert Grindlewald was Jason's grandfather.

Due to his lineage, Jason had pretty high magical power and a genius mind when it came to magic. He could do wand-less magic since before he came to Hogwarts. According to the teachers he was one of the most brilliant wizards to have ever lived, and certainly the best of his age when it came to practical magic knowledge, with Hermione being the best in theoretical one.

Jason hated his popularity. Not everyone saw him as he was. They only saw him as a bright popular wizard, or as the grandson of one of the greatest dark wizards in history. Harry and Hermione were the only people who saw him as himself.

On the day of September 1st, 2001, Jason Grindlewald was walking towards the 9 ¾ platform when his trolley suddenly crashed with someone else's.

"Sorry!" He apologized before looking up to see a brown-eyed, bushy haired girl. Jason somehow knew that this girl was also like him.

"It's okay. I wasn't watching where I was going," she replied politely with a small smile," I am actually having trouble finding my platform."

"9 ¾ quarters?" Jason asked her, causing her to look at him wide-eyed.

"Yes. You as well?"

"Come on, I can show you."

The girl followed him and soon they reached in front of Hogwarts Express by passing through the wall between platforms 9 and 10.

They got on the train and found a compartment where there was only one boy.

"Um, excuse me. Do you mind?" Jason asked him politely.

The boy looked startled, in disbelief even. He had emerald green eyes and jet black hair. Jason could feel that he had pretty high magical energy.

"No. Not at all. Please, come in," he replied politely.

Jason saw that the girl was having trouble lifting her trunk, so he asked her," Do you need help with that?"

"I don't think you'll be able to. This is pretty heavy," she replied with a considerate tone.

"I won't know until I try it."

The girl made a gesture of 'Have it your way, then' and moved back from the trunk. Jason went to the trunk and tried to lift it up. He struggled for a while, but finally he lifted it completely and kept it on the designated place.

"Not to be rude, but do you have rocks inside that?" Jason joked.

"No, just my books," she said, still apparently startled," How did you even lift that? My dad was having trouble lifting that."

"Strong legs." Jason replied like that answered everything.

Jason sat on the seat across the boy and the girl sat with him. "So what are your names?" the other boy asked them.

"My name is Hermione Granger. And you?" she asked him.

The boy seemed hesitant but replied nonetheless. "I'm Harry. Harry Potter."

That explained the hesitance. Hermione got wide-eyed by hearing his name. "You are? I've read about you. You are in so many books."

"I am?" Harry asked with an unpleasant look on his face. "Of course!" she exclaimed.

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