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Hey guys.

To everyone who read this story, and has voted/commented on it, thank you very much.

To be honest, I never expected this story to get this much love.

I will try to publish the next part, i.e. Goblet of Fire part, as soon as I can. If you have any ideas you want to give me, please do so. I would appreciate any and every help I get. Please give me some suggestions as well, if you have any.

I also want to apologize for some grammatical mistakes that I might have made. English is not my first language, you see, but I still have enough skills in English to be confident while writing in this language.

I am also sorry for any plot holes that might have been created during the story. If you found any, please inform me.

Once again, thank you very much for the love and support you guys gave to this story.

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