Harry (V)

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"What did he say, now?" Hermione asked Harry.

"That we've got a meeting with the minister of magic," Harry replied calmly.

"What?!" Hermione exclaimed.

"We. Minister. Meeting. Hog's head. Go."

The trio moved through Hogsmeade with Harry walking between Hermione and Jason in his cloak.

Harry hadn't the faintest of idea what the meeting was going to be about, or how Jason had convinced the minister to meet him.

They reached Hog's head after a while and went to an empty seat. Harry applied a notice-me-not charm at himself before getting out of the cloak.

They ordered three butterbeers, something Harry was really looking forward to. He had heard from everyone that butterbeer was the best thing they had ever drank. Harry admitted that they were, indeed, correct.

After a while the minister of magic entered the inn with two of his people, led the lady who ran the inn, Madam Rosmerta, and Mr. Arthur Weasley.

Harry suspected that Jason might have asked Mr. Weasley for to arrange the meeting

Seeing the minister of magic, Cornelius fudge, arrive, everyone got a bit shocked.

"What. An. Idiot." Hermione said when she saw that Fudge wasn't applying a hiding charm to himself.

"Hermione, he's the minister," Jason warned her. "Even though, he's an idiot, we still have to make sure we show him some respect."

The trio stood up when Cornelius arrived at his seat. "Minister," Jason greeted him. 'He's really good at acting', Harry thought.

"Mr. Grindlewald, Mr. Potter. Miss Granger."

"How you doing, kids?" Mr. Weasley greeted them.

"We're fine Mr. Weasley," Hermione smiled at him, which he gladly returned.

After Madam Rosmerta had left Jason looked at Harry and nodded. Harry held out his hand upside down, and then said 'Silent'. A purple light quickly covered them then disappeared.

"What was that?" One of Fudge's men asked him.

"That was a silencing spell. No one except us can hear ourselves." Harry replied.

"You can do wand-less magic?" Fudge asked Harry.

"We can do more than that, minister," Hermione replied before snapping her fingers. "Now, no one can see us, either. And, they've forgotten about you walking inside so casually and coming towards us."

Fudge looked impressed at them. "So what have you called me here for, Mr. Grindlewald?" Fudge asked Jason as he sat down.

"Oh, not much, minister, just some minor catching up. We are, after all, old friends, aren't we?"

"Don't joke, boy!" another one of Fudge's men warned Jason.

"You sure you want to let your man talk to me like that, minister?" Jason asked Fudge.

"Until we've finished our conversation, none of you will say a word." Fudge ordered his men.

It wasn't because Fudge respected Jason, or Harry. Harry assumed that he (Fudge) must hate Hermione more than anything. But, Harry was The Boy who Lived, loved by all of the wizarding world. And Jason came from the strongest of wizarding families.

Everyone knew the power of the Grindlewald family, and everyone feared it. Fudge was no exception. Even if he didn't have any ties to his family currently, Fudge knew that Jason's father was not a person to be messed with, not to mention the fact that must be pretty damn powerful.

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