Harry (VI)

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All of a sudden, Jason started to run from their hiding place.

"Jason?" Harry called him but Jason didn't reply. He just ran. Harry figured something had to be wrong with Hermione.

Harry didn't run behind Jason. He tracked Jason with his magic, and then, with his hand upside down, said 'Room'.

A light blue colored force-field formed around him. 'Shambles'. With another spell, Harry transported straight to Jason.

This was a spell Harry had learned from Jason's family grimore. It was convenient for transporting anywhere he wanted, and for a lot of battle abilities.

Jason was standing in front of the Whomping Willow. Near its roots was a small door that seemed to be opened recently.

On the way to the door were drag marks, and footprints of a dog. "Let's go." Jason said as he started walking towards the Willow and Harry followed him.

The tree started to move its branches when it saw Harry and Jason walking towards it. "Shut it!" Jason commanded, and all of a sudden, a thunder stroke the tree, causing it to catch fire.

Harry had never seen Jason so pissed. He was usually calm and collected. Even if he was angered, he would usually keep his cool. But this time, his anger was flashing on his face and-

"WHOA!" Jason squealed all of a sudden and then fell down towards the door.

"Always an idiot." Harry jumped inside the door. He found himself falling for a while.

The root had a slide similar to that of the passage behind one-eyed witch's statue. "Ugh." Harry landed on his stomach, and saw that Jason was standing, his hand held in front of him. Harry took Jason's hand, and stood up.

"Where are we?" He asked Jason.

"The Shrieking Shack. Remember the passage on the map?"

Harry seemed to recall Fred and George telling him about the passage near Whomping Willow that led to Hogsmeade. Jason walked in front of Harry to the stairs.

"She's in that room." He informed Harry after smelling her scent. "She's not alone."

"Who is it?"

"Two animals. One is Peter, another is Sirius, probably. What do we do?"

"Alright, I'll go first and distract Sirius. Then you come in and knock him out." Harry replied.

Nodding his head, Jason took a step back, and let Harry go in front. Harry slowly moved up the stairs and finally saw the room Jason had pointed after a while. After giving a quick glance to Jason, Harry opened the door.

What he saw inside surprised him. Hermione was sitting on a table, Scabbers in her hand. A man wearing raggy clothes was knocked out in front of the door.

"Hey, Harry." Hermione greeted him when she saw her friend.

"Is that-?"

"Yeah, that's Sirius Black. I knocked him out. Where's Jason?"

Speak of the devil. Jason ran inside the room by literally knocking down the door. "What? What's going on here?" Jason asked with a confused look. "Who's that?"

"That, Jason, is Sirius Black. Now put down your wand." Hermione said to him.

"What happened?" Harry asked her.

"Sirius, in his dog form, bit my hand, and dragged me here. Then, he threw me at the corner of the room, and tried to attack Pettigrew. Then, I punched him and he got knocked out when he launched himself at me."

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