Harry (VII)

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"Are we sure Sirius will be freed?" Harry asked his friends in a whisper.

"Just be patient, Harry," Jason replied.

The whole team was currently in the trial room of the ministry of magic, where Sirius' hearing was going to take place in a while.

Dumbledore was representing Sirius, who was seated on a chair in the middle of the room. A lot of ministry officers were seated on the benches around the room. The team was also sitting there.

After a while, Fudge entered the room and took his seat as the judge.

"The hearing of Sirius Black vs. The Wizarding World will now commence," Fudge said addressing the room. "Defense, please come forward and make your statement."

Dumbledore stepped forward. "Respected Minister of Magic, and the council. I am here today on the behalf of Mr. Sirius Black who is well known as a traitor to James and Lily Potter, his best friends. It is well known around the wizarding world that Mr. Black not only gave away the Potters' location to Lord Voldemort (some fidgeted when they heard his name while all others got scared), he also killed another one of his friends, Peter Pettigrew. But, is that really the truth?"

"On what basis can you say that it isn't?" Fudge asked.

"When the aurors reached at the scene, they immediately apprehended Mr. Black and sent him to Azkaban without a trial, Mr. Minister."

"Because it was pretty damn clear that Black was guilty. He was the only one who knew the Potters' location, there were dead muggles on the scene with only one wizard there, Mr. Black himself, and he had also killed Peter Pettigrew," Fudge replied.

"While the accusations do sound valid, they aren't the complete truth," Dumbledore said.

"Why?" Fudge asked him, even though he knew the truth.

"Peter Pettigrew, who was thought to be dead, was recently found in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." This elicited a few gasps from the council.

"What?" someone asked.

"He had, for 12 years, impersonated as a rat and had been living with the Weasley family as Scabbers," Dumbledore replied. "The rat was first brought to Hogwarts by Bill Weasley, then it was passed on to Fred and George Weasley, and finally to Ronald Weasley."

"How can you be sure that the rat was Peter Pettigrew?"

Now, obviously, they couldn't tell him about the Marauder's map, so they had already devised an explanation for it.

"His magical energy," Dumbledore replied. "Mr. Grindlewald, a Hogwarts' student, has the mastered the ability to sense magical energy. Using this ability, he realized that the rat wasn't a normal rat. That is how we first suspected it."

"What about the proof?" Fudge asked.

"For further proof, I would like to call Mr. Grindlewald himself to take my place, as he was the one who uncovered the secrets."

"He's a student!" Someone from the benches exclaimed.

"A capable student, who is excellent in many aspects, including this. Wouldn't you agree, Minister?" Dumbledore asked.

"Fine, do what you want."

Harry saw Hermione giving Jason's hand a light squeeze before he stood up. Jason always looked dashing but there was something about suits that highlighted his looks even more. He was wearing a black shirt with red colored suit, and black boots. In his hand was a golden lighter.

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