Jason (II)

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A few days later, Jason, Hermione and Harry were at McGonagall's class. It was the first day of classes and they were currently at their second period.

She was explaining about Animagi (wizards who could turn into animals at will, like McGonagall), but no one seemed to be paying attention. It was clear by the look on her face that Hermione didn't like the situation.

McGonagall became quite surprised and realized that the Gryffindoors were distracted by something when no one gave any reactions even after she transformed into a cat, to demonstrate an Animagi's abilities.

"Seriously, what has gotten into you all today? You are supposed to be the fun loving bunch. This is the first time no one gasped or applauded after seeing my transformation."

No one said anything, but all of them looked towards Harry. Finally, Hermione raised her hands.

"We had Divination for our first period, professor," Hermione said.

"Oh, is that so? Well then, say no more, dear. Which one of you is dying this year?" McGonagall asked.

"Me," Harry replied.

"Potter, I'm going to be very honest with you and say just one thing- Do not give a damn about what Trelawney says."

"You're rather rebellious today," Jason said, which cracked up some students. McGonagall was known by everyone for her respecting nature. No matter how much annoyed she was, she never spoke badly about her fellow colleagues.

McGonagall smiled. "Professor Trelawney has a special talent to predict deaths of students that never happen. So you don't need to worry about anything."

"Then why the hell is she still in this school?" Jason asked her.

"I can assure you, Mr. Grindlewald that professor Trelawney is a talented seer," McGonagall replied sternly," Now then, since it seems like you're all tired, I am allowing you to leave early."

The students all left the class and after a while headed to another class.

"You don't think the grim thing has got something to do with Sirius Black, do you?" Neville asked the trio as they were heading towards Hagrid's hut for their Care of Magical Creatures classes.

"Oh, come on, Neville. Do you really think that old oaf was being truthful? I bet she doesn't even know how to see the future," Hermione replied.

Harry and Jason didn't talk. Harry was still concerned about the grim and Sirius Black thing, and Jason's mind was on the previous night and its events. Hermione seemed to notice that and caught Jason's hand. Jason looked over at her, and she gave him a small look. Jason didn't know what that meant, but he felt relieved by it.

"BROADEN YOUR MINDS!!! USE YOUR INNER EYE TO SEE THE FUTURE!!!!," Hermione repeated Professor Trelawney's words in a mocking tone that seemed to relief the tension around them. The boys cracked up with Hermione and happily headed to Hagrid's hut.

"C'mere now, come on. Don' push anyone. Everyone hear?" Hagrid asked as the students of Gryffindoor and Slytherin gathered in front of his hut. "Well then, today I am going to give you a surprise. Been' preparin' this all nigh' yesterday."

"Preparing what exactly?" Draco Malfoy asked in a bossy tone. "Oh, you'll see," Hagrid replied.

"Not a giant spider, I hope," Jason said once the students started moving.

"Or a three headed dog," Harry added.

"Or, worse, a dragon," Hermione tried to join in.

"Seriously, Hermione? Dragons are cool," Harry said and threw her a look.

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