Jason (IV)

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"Sirius and James were less like friends, and more like brothers. Their duo was known throughout the school. Sirius, James and Lilly were much like you three; two rebellious teenage boys, and a strict girl who liked to have fun but with limits."

"Sirius was the best man at James and Lily's wedding. He was also named as Harry's godfather. He was so loyal to James that Sirius could kill or die at James' request."

"Then, what happened? How did Black end up siding with Voldemort?" Jason asked his father.

"I'm not really sure, Jason; no one is. To be honest, part of me still doesn't believe that Sirius betrayed them. But I'll let you decide what to believe after you hear the story, however..."

"However, what, dad?" Jason asked him.

"You'll need the full truth, Harry. That includes the prophecy I mentioned before," Dumbledore answered in Remus' stead. "Are you sure you're ready for it?"

"As ready as I can be, professor," Harry replied.

"Well, then, brace yourselves," McGonagall spoke. "Jason, remember you asked me how Trelawney got the job at Hogwarts?"

Jason nodded.

"Well, when Trelawney applied for the job, Professor Dumbledore didn't see any special talents in her, but in the middle of that interview, she made a prophecy that changed everything."

"Allow me Minerva," Dumbledore said before flicking his wand, and saying 'Recap' like Hermione did to Ginny.

A mist of cloud was formed above them all. It showed professor Trelawney and Dumbledore 14 years ago, taking the interview. Suddenly, Trelawney started to go in a trance, and then spoke-

'The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies....'

Then, the mist dissolved. Everyone looked grim.

"That child. That was Harry, wasn't he?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, Ms. Granger, it was Harry. By that time, Snape was already working for us as a double agent by joining the Death Eaters (Voldemort's followers), and he informed us about the child being James and Lily's son."

"Why did you join the Death Eaters in the first place?" Ginny asked Snape.

"Because I was foolish to believe in their cause," Snape replied. "When Harry's mother, Lilly, applied to be a charms mistress, she was rejected saying for being a muggleborn. We all tried our best, but nothing worked. I believed that Voldemort was trying to create to create an equal world, a world without racism, and discrimination. By the time I realized the truth, it was already too late to leave. I went to Dumbledore after that, and he promised to give me a job here at Hogwarts, and protect me, if I became a double agent for him."

"That's a pretty awesome origin story. And all that stealth work, no wonder they call you Batman," Ginny said.

"I'll take that as a compliment, thanks, but moving on, after Voldemort learned the prophecy, he set his target on James and Lily. I informed Dumbledore and asked him to hide them. Dumbledore relayed the message to James and Lily, and they went into hiding."

"Lily, being the charms expert, decided to use Fidelius Charm. Do you know what that is?"

"A powerful charm used to hide certain things, or people," Hermione answered Snape's question. "The user of this charm makes someone a secret keeper, and then hides the things he or she wants to hide. If the secret keeper reveals their location, the charm breaks."

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