Jason (VII)

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"So, what are your plans for the summer?" Hermione asked Jason and Harry.

"Well, the first thing I'm going to do is move out of the shithole, and go with Sirius," Harry replied. "Then, we'll see what happens. Sirius said he was going to take me on a trip somewhere. What about you?"

"Well, my parents are taking me to Greece and then to Italy. They said it's going to take two months, one on each county," Hermione replied. "What about you, Jason?"

"Uh, I don't know actually. My dad some things to do, so maybe I'll be on my old house; we're thinking of moving there, actually. Other than that, I don't know."

"What are you going to do about the letter?" Hermione asked him again.

Jason had finally opened up to them about the letter he had gotten from Fudge back in Hogsmeade. He told them that the weird sign on the envelope was a symbol of the Grindlewald family, which meant the letter was probably from his father.

"This," Jason said taking out the letter from his pocket and his golden lighter, burning the letter.

"What about the locket?" Harry asked, pointing at the locket that Jason had received during Christmas, now dangling from his neck.

Before they returned back to their homes, Jason asked Hermione for the locket, which she returned to him without any questions.

"My grandfather gave me this," Jason replied, surprising his friends.

"Your grandfather?" Hermione asked. "As in, Gellert Grindelwald, the greatest Dark Wizard in history?"

Jason nodded.

"At the start of the term, when I went away with Professor McGonagall, I was taken to Azkaban because he had requested to see me," Jason said to his friends. "For some reason, Fudge agreed to it and then sent me there with two aurors for my protection. We talked for a while, and he said that he would try to keep in contact with me."

"I didn't know what to think about it," Jason added, while Hermione supportively held his hand. "I grew up hearing all the bad things about him, so I was confused seeing him be so nice to me. I didn't have time to think about it until a few days ago. He isn't really a bad person, to be honest. He just had bad ways of doing things. At least, that's what I think."

"I decided to wear this locket because it's a gift from the only person in the Grindelwald family that doesn't hate me," Jason said to Harry and Hermione. "It's the only thing that connects me to my grandfather."

Harry and Hermione smiled at him, happy at his decision. They were still skeptical of Jason's grandfather, but they didn't comment on it. Seeing Jason become happy  and connected with at least one member of his family made his two best friends equally happy.

"Weren't you two planning on going to watch the Euros this year?" Hermione asked the boys, changing the topic.

Jason had managed to turn Harry and Hermione into football fans in the past two years. Hermione knew a lot about the game due to her dad, but she didn't actively watch it, until a year ago. Hermione started watching it after Jason had gone to her home to pick her up before their second year and had really bonded with her father over the game. In order to make sure she wasn't left out of any conversations between Jason and her father, and to make sure she shared some common interest with Jason, Hermione kept up on everything related to football and even watched a few matches.

Harry was persuaded by Jason to give football a try right since their first year and Harry had started watching it under his peer pressure. Harry still thought that Quidditch was the best sport in the whole world, but football wasn't half bad.

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