Hermione (II)

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The feast was no different from each year. The same boring speech by Dumbledore and the same exciting tasty food that just melted in your mouth. But there was something different this year.

Dumbledore announced the entry of two new teachers in Hogwarts. One of them was Professor Remus J. Lupin, the man who saved Harry in the train. He was hired as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. The other professor was Rubeus Hagrid, the Keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts, and the trio's good friend, and supporter. He was hired as the teacher for Care of Magical Beasts.

The next announcement took out all the excitement from the students. Dumbledore announced that until Sirius Black was caught, Hogwarts would be housed by dementors, so as to increase the security, and warned them about a dementor's nature.

There was one another thing different. Jason wasn't beside her. Ever since the first year, Jason and Hermione mostly used to sit together, with Harry taking the opposite seat, but this year Jason wasn't there. Hermione had no idea where McGonagall had taken him. She was already back at the school, but Jason was still not there.

After the feast, Hermione went over to McGonagall and asked her where Jason had gone. McGonagall replied that she was just asked to escort him up to the ministry of magic; she had no idea where Jason currently was.

That made Hermione even more worried. The ministry of magic didn't like Jason. Actually, no one outside of Hogwarts liked Jason. Every person in the wizarding world only saw him as Grindlewald's heir, and nothing more. They thought he was as cruel and evil as his grandfather. The people, who didn't know him from up close, all thought the same of him.

Hermione walked back to the gryffindoor common room along with Harry. Harry had assured her countless times that Jason would be fine, but Hermione still couldn't be sure. She felt like something was happening to him, something horrible.

After they reached the common room, Harry went back to his dorm that he shared with Neville and Jason. Hermione, however, sat in the common room in front of the blazing fire, and decided to check on Jason.

Hermione was the brightest witch of her age. Like Jason and Harry's theoretical knowledge was easily overlooked, her practical knowledge was also overlooked. She was quite good at doing magic. She could do complex spells with almost no difficulty. Jason had taken his time and taught her many spells that he knew.

How did he know? Well, he was from one of the biggest wizarding family. His father had trained him, something that Jason usually refused to talk about. Hermione and Harry had known that Jason had had a hard life, so they never bothered him the questions that would force those memories to resurface.

The point is, Jason had vast resources and knowledge right in front of him his whole life. Jason could do spells that even 7th years had a hard time doing, and Hermione knew that that wasn't the limit to his powers.

Jason was so talented that he could even create his own spells that were really very complex. Hermione could also create spells but they were simpler and not really suitable for fighting.

Hermione had created a spell that allowed her to see anything her target was seeing. It wasn't really as cool as it sounded. For the spell to work, she had to have fire in front of her. Then, she would say the spell and the person's name. After that, like watching a movie, she could see everything her target was seeing. Like her target's eyes had become her eyes.

She sat in front of the fire and closed her eyes, then focused on who she wanted to see. In her mind came a clear image of Jason, and then it disappeared. She opened her eyes to see the blazing flame in front of her. Hermione muttered an incantation, and waved her hand over the fire.

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