Harry (III)

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Harry made his way back to the castle with all the students. Hagrid was pretty fine now that Jason had reassured him.

Flying on Buckbeak was really amazing, Harry thought. By far, this was his favorite class. I mean, what's better than watching Weasley get his ass kicked twice in one period.

The next class however, was the worst one; potions. The potions professor seemed to hate the trio, Harry most of all. He always took points off of them for no reason, and favored the Slytherin students, since he was the House head of Slytherin.

"Congrats, guys," said Harry as they left the classroom of potions. "We lived!"

Jason and Hermione laughed and headed towards the great hall for lunch.

"What is our next class?" Harry asked Jason as he sat on the seat opposite to them. That was kind of a ritual for them; Jason and Hermione side-by-side and Harry opposite to them. Harry didn't really mind them sitting together. He wanted his two best friends to admit their feelings to each other already.

Although it was just barely, they both liked each other romantically since the first year. They were finally being closer and Harry had hoped that would admit their feelings this year.

"Defense against the Dark Arts," Jason replied, before digging in on his food. "Professor Lupin, then," Harry said.

"I wonder how good of a professor he is," Hermione said, and Harry shared her concerns. Their DADA professor for the last two years weren't really great.

Their 1st year professor Quirrel was like a frightened little cat and always hid behind the desk for longer time than he taught. Later, the trio discovered that he was actually trying to kill Harry, and was carrying Voldemort on the back of his head.

They thought the next year would be better, but surprisingly, it was even worse. Their second year teacher was a mumbling bumbling baboon who knew little to nothing about magic, especially the dark arts. The reason he was selected was because he was very famous in the wizarding world, with his books being all time best-sellers. Later, however, when he tried to perform the only charm he knew, the memory erasing charm, it got backfired and hit him instead of Harry and Jason.

DADA was Harry and Jason's favorite subject, so they really hoped that this year would be better.

"That goddamn weasel," Jason muttered; his voice still laced with anger.

Harry turned towards Weasley and saw that a bunch of Slytherins were standing around him, while he was saying something.

"What's he saying?" Harry asked Jason.

"That he almost died and that it was all Hagrid's fault," Jason replied.

"How is that Hagrid's fault?" Hermione asked in annoyance.

"Apparently, Hagrid didn't give him proper instructions," Jason replied.

"Well, he didn't listen," Harry said getting more annoyed at Weasley by the second.

"Oh, no, he listened, Harry. He totally listened," Hermione said. "See the thing is, you need something called brain to actually understand what you're listening to, but...."

"The only things in that weasel's brain are food and Quidditch," Jason added.

Harry smirked at them, as Hermione and Jason did a high five.

"Hey guys," Ginny said, as he came towards them and sat beside Harry.

"Hey Ginny. How're the classes going?" Hermione asked her.

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