Jason (III)

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Hermione did a small illusion spell to hide Jason, Draco and herself from the students.

"Why did you tell her, again?" Draco asked Jason, pointing towards Hermione.

"I can't hide anything from her. She would have eventually found out," Jason replied.

"Thanks Jason," Hermione replied. "And don't forget, Malfoy that I am the one who has been giving you all these hiding spells."

"So? Anything?" Jason asked Draco.

"Well, he is planning something big. I don't know what it is but he is planning something," Draco replied.

"Who else is with him?" Hermione asked.

"The whole army, maybe. My father is trying to collect everyone who supported You-know-who," Draco replied. "Maybe we should tell Harry."

"No, no. He's got enough on his plate. I don't want him getting concerned over this," Jason replied.

Harry had been through a lot in the last two years. For once, Jason wanted him to have as peaceful year as possible. But even that seemed too difficult.

The three of them had to cut their conversation short when they saw Harry flying back with Buckbeak. It seemed like his worries had all melted away, even of it was only for a while.

"Oh, come on!" Weasley exclaimed when he saw the students admiring Harry and Buckbeak. "Anyone could do that."

He moved dangerously close to the hippogriff, without bowing, and tried to touch its beak. Buckbeak slightly tilted his head and then got startled. Before Weasley could realize, Buckbeak's talons were raised and dangerously close to Weasley's neck.

Just before they made contact, however, someone came in front of Weasley and stopped the talons. The students were all surprised as the boy who just recently threatened to kill Weasley went in front of him to save him.

Jason looked at Buckbeak straight in the eye. He knew it had to be a battle of strength now that respect didn't matter to Buckbeak because of the little weasel. Frankly, he didn't care if Weasley died, but he didn't want all the blame to go to Hagrid and make it a bad first day of teaching for him.

The hippogriff looked at Jason and then at his talons. He realized that something was growing out of Jason's fingers. The, he looked at Jason's eyes, which glowed bright yellow. Buckbeak quickly took a step back.

Jason sighed in relief, and so did the other students. They all hurriedly came towards them, with Hermione on the lead. "You okay?" Hermione asked him. "It burns a bit," Jason replied. "But it'll heal."

Hermione sighed in relief and gave way to the half giant approaching Jason. "Are you all righ'?" Hagrid asked, looking at Jason's hand. "I'm fine, Hagrid," Jason replied. "And hey, you're doing great, so don't worry."

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