Chapter 1 - Crush

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"Aurora! Come on lets pick up the pace!" I heard my manager clap behind me as I was balancing four meals on my arms. Mind you, she wasn't doing anything as usual.

I only had one hour until my shift was over so even this unnecessary rush she's making me go through wasn't enough to aggravate me because I know how sweet that paycheque will be. I've been working here for three years to help me alongside university and it wasn't a bad job but our amazing previous manager quit because apparently he'd been stealing money from the company; since then we've had this god awful new manager who is the aunt of the owner.

"I don't know how much more of this I can take," I hear my colleague say. He said this every single shift an hour before it was over.

"I mean, yeah it sucks. But think about the end of the month," I say wiping some tables and looking around to see if any table needs more water.

"Oh please! We really don't earn enough for that to excite us anymore." He chuckled. In case you couldn't tell, my friend Thomas was incredibly pessimistic. A cute, lanky, scruffy blondie with an incredibly sarcastic personality. He was here before I worked here and we bonded over his arm tattoos since he wanted to open his own shop one day, since then we work hard while continuing to bitch about our place of employment.

But even then Tom wasn't wrong. This job didn't give you much but it definitely could be worse. It was a high-ish end restaurant, quite swanky and hand a variety of customers as their motto was to cater to everyone. Furthermore anything that helped get me out of my family home was never something I could completely write off and with what I have now I'm able to comfortably get through my final year of university.

"Oh before you go Aurora I need you to tend to that gentleman over there. He knows the owner so please treat him with the utmost care." Martha stressed through her dry lipped smile while pointing to the far right corner of the restaurant.

My eyes followed her finger and saw a large figure with their back turned. Whoever they were better be my only customer, I motioned over to Tom that I had one more customer and then we'd probably do what we always do which is walk home together. Since this customer is important I made sure to brush down my apron and keep a fake sweet smile on my face making myself over. The closer I got the more nervous and intimidated I got, whoever this was had a powerful aura about them for sure.

"Hello, my name is Aurora and I will be your server today. Can I interest you in a beverage and appetiser?" I smile leaning over slightly. The mop of sloppy curls moved around slightly as whoever I was serving was digging their face deeper into the menu before letting out a sigh.

"Uh just some whiskey would be lovely darling. I'm not going to be here for long anyway." His head turned up to meet me slightly; his voice was very deep.

I'm usually just the kind of worker that doesn't pay attention to how the customers here particularly look like; I'm here for the money. However, this man was exceptionally beautiful; so beautiful that I was in a short trance and I think he noticed a little because he chuckled and looked back to his menu.

It's a shame he isn't famous or something because that would be a better excuse than simply being a trance because I found him very handsome.

"Of course sir, right away." I gave a slight bow and excused myself. I could feel my cheeks rise in temperature- oh yes blushing for sure. My paranoia further getting to me by convincing me that eyes were following me.

Luckily Tom was in the back so I can word vomit about this later but I made my way to the kitchen and informed them of the order and while waiting I got myself together and looked around the kitchen for Tom. Whenever I lost Tom he was probably flirting with one of the chefs; he'd had a chef on this particular chef that he described as "Love at first sight", it took a lot to stop him from tattooing her name onto his whole chest.

"Ora! Drinks ready!" I hear from one of the kitchen staff.

Pushing myself out of the heavy doors and prepared to serve this man his drink and head home, I made sure to calm down as I took each step. Or at least I was trying to but I saw him place his menu down and turn to face me.

His hazel eyes met my brown ones, his chiselled jaw line tensed and his tailored facial hair complimented his curly dark brown hair and his light freckles became more apparent the closer I got to him. His large muscles protruded through his dress shirt and his long legs were stretched out and his face grew a small smile; I couldn't not smile back.

"Here is your whiskey sir. Please enjoy." I bowed and prepared to turn around and leave until I saw him raise his hand in the corner of my eye.

"Don' worry bout coming with a cheque and head home, my annoying cousin should be out soon to meet me any time now." He explained.

I thanked him and made my way to meet Tom and head home eager to tell him about my new small crush.


"Aurora love I can not believe you have a little crush, this is so adorable!" Tom gushed squeezing my cheek. Maybe it wasn't a great idea to tell him about it.

One of the reasons why Tom and I were great friends was because we are huge romantics, we had weekly romcom sleepovers at my place with my roommate. However, this feeling I had felt different.

"I know I know, but that's not it. I'm super embarrassed with how I acted; what if he tells our boss about my behaviour? I'd get fired for sure Tom." I slouched against the window watching the London city lights shine as I ranted to him.

"Well that's the thing right Ora, I was talking with Fiona and she overheard from the Martha that  the restaurant might be co-owned. she didn't say who by but if Martha specified to you that the person you served knew the owner well..." He said focusing his eyes on the road.

I could tell he was loving this, messy bitch.

"That doesn't necessarily make me feel better, that just means I have to see that man more." I sighed. Actually that maybe wouldn't be too bad.

"Hey I was just filling you in on what I heard from my beloved. Who knows? Some day you and whoever that man is will have what me and Fiona have." He gushed with a cheesy grin looking over at me.

I giggled and looked back out the window until he dropped me off. The cold breeze made me wrap my teddy coat around me tighter as I sped ran to my apartment door, fiddling with my keys and going into my place.

My roommate was a neat freak and worked during the night so the place was always extremely quiet; usually I would have to find something to keep myself busy but in this particular instance I was more than happy to lay on my bed and let my mind wonder.

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