Chapter 2 - Alleyway

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It's been around three weeks since I'd seen that one customer and by this time I'd been putting that whole thing at the back of my mind. I had a lot of university reading material and deadlines to meet; also I indulged and got myself the rose toy so for now I've been okay. Yeah, okay.

My day at university went smoothly; but I couldn't say the same for work today. I slipped on my uniform and made my way towards the new commotion I saw, Tom and I made eye contact and he silently signalled for me to stand next to him. Usually whenever this happens it's always some commotion with the new shift assignments but this seemed to be more serious and my brain immediately started to overthink.

"This wasn't that much of a surprise but I just hope there aren't too many changes!"

"Do you think they're going to make us do some stupid new interactions with the customers now? I heard he's strict!"

"I heard he's here because the boss did something shady."

"It was about time he finally came out, my gaydar never lies you know."

All these things are what I heard as I worked my way through the crowd to get to Tom. the faces I'd witnessed along the way were a mixture of worry, confusion and excitement. In all honesty the boss wasn't awful but even I could tell some areas of management needed improvement, the company took great pride in its family heritage, the founders were the grandparents of the owner and they both wanted to do a middle eastern and Italian infusion. It wasn't something people wanted to try at first but they would have mini stalls all over central London and over time people started to love the restaurant and it became a huge success.

I know all this because they gave me the entire history of the place during my interview. I convinced myself that I loved every minute of it. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of loud footsteps making their way closer to our little crowd, my eyes met Toms as he shrugged and looked towards the direction the noise was coming from. My heart was pumping out of my chest but that soon calmed down when I saw the face of our boss make his  way through the crowd and centre himself.

"Alight everyone listen up!" He raised his voice while clapping his hands. His facial expression was the way it always was when we saw him, very monotone and his whole outfit always reflected that.

"I'm sure a lot of you are confused and maybe even scared, but I assure you there will be no cuts. All that is changing is management." His tone doesn't really do much to assure anyone because people were still whispering while he was talking, but hearing nobody getting fired was enough for me.

Well actually they can fire Samantha. Me and Tom and any other sane person at this establishment hated Samantha; she was the host and an old friend since she started the same time as I did but her biggest dream was to seduce the boss and work her way up. I'd appreciate the grind if she didn't take the pick me route; as soon as she made eye contact with the boss she switched and before we knew it Samantha had a new goal. I could spot her inching her way towards the middle of the crowd with a smug smile to get closer to the boss.

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