Chapter 7 - Calzone

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"I know what you're thinking? How did we get to the point of you finding me making out with Fiona in the kitchen right?" Tom asked while wrapping his scarf around his neck as we were ready to cross the busy road.

I wasn't actually thinking any of that but I'd love to know.

"Well since you're so eager to tell me..." I tease looking over at his embarrassed pink face. Awwee lover boy.
"Okay fine since you're dying to know anyway but basically she was cooking and cut her finger, I had just come in from collecting dirty dishes and saw and I went over to help her. We locked eyes and well.... Eventually locked lips." His eyes glued to the floor. I couldn't help but laugh at that extremely unserious explanation.

"Horny workers getting it on at work! Like did you even treat her wound eventually or-"

"Who's "getting it on" at work?" Me and Tom turn like two deers to meet the eyes of both our bosses, specifically Charlie since he's the one who said it. They had just crossed the road and weren't too far behind us.

Me and Tom looked at each-other trying to telepathically decide what our next response was. I tried to avoid eye contact with the other guy because everything was a bit too awkward and ironic for me since I had a whole dream of us making out in his office and that question triggered everything.

"Nothing! We were just talking shit actually haha, have a good lunch..." Tom hooked my arm and dragged me to a small booth in the back.

As Tom and I got situated in our seat we had an awkward silence on the table and began to try and figure out what we were both going to get. Tom cleared his throat but I was too engrossed in the calzone to bring my eyes up to him.

"Okay, what's going on with you? Come on, out with it!" Tom shut his menu and leaned in, observing my face. This was the annoying thing about working with your best friend; can't even have a sexy dream about my crush in peace.

"I don't know what you're talking about? This is a big menu you know, I'm just trying to figure out if i should get the creamy pasta or the calz-"

"Cut the shit Ora, I know that face you pulled when we got called out earlier, I want all the details." He smirked and lied back in his booth. Maybe getting it out would help my emotions calm down a lit anyway.

"Okay fine." I take a deep breath before peering around the restaurant. God knows why since it's pretty empty in here.  I subconsciously met eyes with Oliver and began to work vomit on Tom.

"Okay so, I ended up having a dream about me and Oliver. We made out in his office heavily and then my alarm woke me up. I'm supposed to meet up with him later for a staff review thing and now I'm extremely embarrassed to even make eye contact with him." I rambled while looking at my lap.

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