Chapter 20 - You're done.

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"I still don't think we should fire her though," Charlie groaned as he sunk back into his chair

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"I still don't think we should fire her though," Charlie groaned as he sunk back into his chair.

We had to have a meeting with HR as well as both our fathers about what went on at the restaurant between Samantha and Amara. I took the liberty of consulting with an employment lawyer who practically confirmed everything I was bringing forward which was to terminate Samantha.

I made sure we did a thorough investigation, taking each member of staff aside and asking them about how Samantha was in the work place as well as reviewing all the statements from the incident. Now I was warned by the lawyer that she may try and seek some form of compensation however with all this stacked against her it was unlikely for it to lead to anything; Amara on the other hand had a very strong case and was entitled to that as the incident clearly affected her mental and physical health.

I looked into our budget and was waiting on Jacob to meet me with anything he was able to find in the workplace database. It was a slippery slope considering the privacy laws however; he assured me there was a loophole in there somewhere. Either way, I smiled knowing that she didn't really have a leg to stand on.

"Why would you want an employee who abuses fellow staff members to stay here?" I questioned as I also leaned back into my chair.

Charlie had been cooperative throughout all this however, his constant nagging about not firing her was getting extremely annoying. But also predictable.

"I'm not saying she shouldn't be but I don't know man it's been ages since it all happened, can't she just go to some training camp or something?"

"Do you this is fucking Girl Scouts Charlie? She assaulted someone! Multiple times!" I said, raising my voice as he shifted his glasses up and sighed before rubbing the back of his neck.

"Whatever man, I'm just saying it's really not worth firing someone over. But hey, you're obviously the real boss here so," Charlie sulked into his chair.

When we spoke to our fathers Charlie got scolded by his dad when it came out that him and Samantha would meet in his office while they both were supposed to be working and he also reviewed the statements and saw the preferential treatment she received also. So I'm guessing him being scolded by his dad as a grown man must have hit a nerve. Martha also called in sick for tomorrow and I've been told she's running on thin ice herself.

He should really learn to be more quiet and discreet; like me.

"Listen, I know you care for her but what she did was fucked up. We have to call her in here soon and break the news to her." I finish as I rise from my chair. My phone pinged and I knew Jacob was close.

I made my way down the dark corridor and walked through the kitchen as well as the seating area and saw that everything was running smoothly. As usual the bustling atmosphere and chatter was present and I saw Amara and Aurora serving tables and joking with eachother. I smiled as I made my way to the outside of the restaurant and noticed a Jeep Wrangler drive up and park right in front of me, a smug grin on my good friend's face as he leaves the car and pulls me in for a hug.

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