Chapter 6 - Lunch

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"So you're telling me that you didn't suspect anything suspicious? Nothing at all?" I question her as she continues to shake her head to further justify what she's said previously.

What she's saying made a lot of sense considering it was still very early anyway, we'd  probably need to keep this up so that people would let their guard down over time. Of course I wasn't trying to find ways to talk to her more - that would be ridiculous. I'm a grown man not a college boy, although I'm not completely crossing it out as a benefit.

Oh who am I kidding?

"Hmm well thank you so much for finding the time to fill me in. This was actually a perfect time to meet up so we can have this be our meet up time whenever you're in for work." I smile.

My office was dark, I liked working in a dark room. It helped with my focus, I was able to zone in on whatever I wanted to work on; it also explained why I enjoyed working at night. But the darkness of my office didn't help with the vibe between me and Aurora. It only make me focus on her more because to me she instantly illuminated this place; I had no choice but to look at her.  

I saw her get up from her chair and get herself together before preparing to leave. She looked over at me and smiled.

"I'll see you next week then!" And walked towards the door.

I didn't want her to go, if it was up to me I'd want her to stay here with me for the rest of the day.

I felt my eyes blink as I heard her yelp, I rose to my feet and ran towards her without a second thought anticipating her fall. Her magnetic pull on me was practically a superpower at this rate, my arm subconsciously wrapped itself around her slim waist and my legs kneeled; catching her just as her head nearly hit the floor. I felt myself sigh in relief and could feel her rapid breathing from the almost-accident, her flushed face and wide eyes looking back at me in shock.

Her and I were frozen. Her plump lips were gaped and her eyelids started to shudder a little, her skin glowed as the minimal light that peaked in from my office blinds hit her skin showing her freckles and I could feel her braids along her back.

"Sir?" She said in a low voice, avoiding eye contact with me.

I cleared my throat and blinked realising how uncomfortable she must be in this position and tried to shift out of this and let her get up.

"My apologies, are you alright?" I respond, making sure to keep a distance and I watched her try to stand. She must've had a long shift.
Her legs disappointed her again as she slipped and fell forward.

Without thinking I lunge forward and use my hand to support her head as my body hovered over her. I never really thought about our size difference but her frame undermine reminded me how much smaller she was. I looked down and saw our eyes meet, there was a twinkle in her beautiful brown eyes that I just got lost in. She let out a sigh as I felt her body heat radiate and warm my chest and my face came closer and closer.

Her legs shifted and my body slipped in between her legs as we maintained eye contact. She bit her juicy bottom lip as she looked up at me and I could see her voluptuous body being filled out by her uniform, my chest rested on top of her plush breasts and I felt her breath in front of my mouth. My arms buckled as I moved my one arm to caress her face, I wasn't thinking logically and I knew it but I needed to feel her.
She continued to look deep into my eyes as she released her bottom lip to mutter:

"Sir-" before she could finish my lips connected to hers. My large hand gently grasped the side of her face and tilted her deeper into me, our lips were melting into each-other and I could feel her tongue peeking into mine. I didn't want to be greedy with her but every inch of her was so delectably addictive, I wanted to feel her tongue mingle with mine. I shifted my body deeper in-between her legs and continued to ravage her mouth as her hands rested on my chest and snaked their way around my neck.

My face pulled away from her slightly but I could sense both our eyes were closed as our tongues swirled around each-others, I could feel myself swell and my hands wanted to caress the sides of her curvaceous body so desperately. I wanted to squeeze her hips and ass as I continued to inhale her scent and passionately make out with her in my office.

Her hips rotated up meeting my pelvis as she latched her lips back onto mine, I matched her rhythm and drove my hips into her core she let out a beautiful moan against my lips and at this point I just know what we wanted from each-other but we were both scared to go there. I wanted to see her beautiful face contort in ways no face should be at their place of employment, I wanted my body skin to touch hers and mix my sweat with hers as I made her moan and cum around my fingers.

My head was growing delirious, my thoughts were getting wilder and wilder as we kissed and dry humped on my office floor, her hands wiggling under my blazer and trying to slide it down. I removed my lips from hers and leaned closer to her ear.

"Can I feel your body.... Please?" My voice came out so desperate, but I was. I was practically begging. I turned to meet her eyes as she met mine and smiled.



I groan out of irritation as I went to check my phone. My arms were crossed on my desk and I felt extremely lost and confused on what time or day it was and what I was doing here.

"Oh for fuck sake!" I groaned as I stretched and checked my phone, further confirming that what I had just experienced was a dream. And to top it all off my meet up with Aurora would be in less than three hours or so and I'm sitting here extremely discombobulated with a boner and sweats. I'd be laughing at myself if I wasn't so disappointed.

My thoughts were disrupted as I heard a knock on my door and suddenly snapped out of my daze and was suddenly facing reality again. I was at work. I shuffled some loose paper work, straightened my tie and ran my hand over my hair and made sure it didn't look displaced.

"Come in." I respond, peering over at my clock.
I had no idea who would be coming at my door but hopefully it wasn't her as I'm genuinely not in the best shape for that right now.

"Sorry to disturb you mate I just wanted to look over- why the hell do you look so flushed? Is it too hot in here or something?" Charlie said looking around my room completely unaware that I just got woken up from having one of the best dreams of my life.

"Yeah well it was but I'm better now, what do you want anyway?" I respond. That was a harsh response and I do thank his presence immediately getting rid of my boner but I was still a little sensitive from my dream.

"Ah right well, I just wanted to update you on a few things and I was wondering if you were up for lunch?" His thumb gestures at the door.

A little food never hurt anyone, and I was hungry.

"Sure, let's go." I respond as I read behind me and grab my blazer.


Wowwwww! 👀 first time writing spicy in a while so let me know what you guys think?

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