Chapter 11 - Take the Leap

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Maybe it was the way the day went, or the atmosphere of the dark car with blacked out windows and the soft radio playing in the back; but it was all the perfect lead up to this moment

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Maybe it was the way the day went, or the atmosphere of the dark car with blacked out windows and the soft radio playing in the back; but it was all the perfect lead up to this moment.

Them making out in Oliver's car.

Their bodies contorted to lean into each other as their lips melted into each other, Oliver's hand snaked around to the back of her neck and lightly gripping her head to gaze up into him. Aurora's meek moans as their tongues kissed and swirled before their lips crashed into each other over and over made Oliver's cock harden; he wanted nothing more than to grip her more.

This wasn't a dream anymore.

Oliver was kissing the woman that had been playing on his mind since he set foot in that restaurant. He was feeling her soft golden brown skin, her plump glossy lips were meshing against his and he couldn't get enough and the idea it sticking their lips together as he inhaled her sweet floral scent just turned him on even more.

The car was steaming up and anyone who was unfortunate enough to walk past would see Oliver's large frame cupping Aurora hungrily. Aurora wanted to feel him so badly, this was something she was yearning for and her heart knew kissing him wasn't enough.
She needed to feel his chest, graze her fingertips on his large sculpted arms and grip them, she wanted to sit on his lap perfectly sprawled on top of his lower region as he gripped all over her. All these thoughts swirling in her head made her even more hungry for his soft perfectly plump pink lips and his tongue. His hand kept a light firm grip and she couldn't help but feel her pussy getting wet at how perfectly his hand felt there.

'BUZZ BUZZ! BUZZ BUZZ!' Aurora's phone buzzed before loudly playing the mind-numbing default ringtone she couldn't be bothered to change.

Their lips pulled away, the sound of the remaining sticky gloss being heard by both of them. They looked into each other's as they took steady breaths, Oliver smirked and licked his bottom sticky lip while Aurora bit her bottom lip. She continued to nipple before looking away and reaching for her buzzing phone and seeing Ingrid on the display screen and sighing. In the meantime he took this as an opportunity to calm down but it was difficult looking over and seeing Aurora was bent over trying to get to her phone and her slim waist and wide hips showed prominently in her snug knitted dress.

"I'm sorry that's my roommate calling me, I should probably go," she said nervously before turning back and looking back his way, "I had a good time with you today."

"Yeah you should probably go inside, she's probably worried. I also had a good time with you too," Oliver shifted awkwardly and cleared his throat, "I would love to do this again with you, if that's alright that is?" He asked.

Aurora was thankful it was dark because she could feel the heat in her cheeks at him asking to see her again, this had to mean something right? Right? She rubbed her hands down her knitted dress, a nervous habit which Oliver was picking up on.

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