Chapter 15 - Slaps and Tears

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"Have you even thought about how long you'll continue working here?" Tom asked Aurora, they were on their break after the worst busy period ever and were now eating burritos from a food truck parked a short walk from the restaurant

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"Have you even thought about how long you'll continue working here?" Tom asked Aurora, they were on their break after the worst busy period ever and were now eating burritos from a food truck parked a short walk from the restaurant.

Aurora walked with a thin cardigan to dry off the sweat patches on her clothes and Tom's face was pink with frustration. They'd dealt with everything from whiny children, Karens, rude teenagers and creepy old men - of all races which is how you know it's a wild shift. But they saw solace in their loaded burritos and being close enough to vent to each-other about it.

"Honestly after what we've just been through I'd say my draft for resignation was a good idea." Aurora joked as she took a bite, Tom laughed but his laugh died down quickly- which was very unlike him.

"I don't know, to be honest I'm waiting for the whole tattoo parlour thing to be permanent which will hopefully be soon," Tom explained, looking off to the side and blowing out in a sigh. This wasn't something Aurora didn't know, unlike what they said in their interviews - they didn't live, breathe and love hospitality and it was NOT their passion. This was never supposed to be something they'd thought they'd do for as long as they did but it was something Aurora had been thinking about too.

Aurora looked into her lap, she hadn't spoken about it with Oliver yet, but she reached out to a place she did an internship with for a potential graduate job and she hadn't received a response yet but remained hopeful. The prospect of finishing university and getting her first "big-girl" job was daunting and as nice as it is to speak about it with her boyfriend who had already gone through all this, it was still something that made her face the reality of how quickly everything was moving.

As they chewed on mint chewing gum they made their way back to the restaurant to finish off the rest of their shift. The walk was short and sweet but as they made their way towards the back entrance, Tom noticed something in the corner of his eye down the alleyway.

"Ora, do you see that?" Tom grabs her shoulder and gently shows her what's down the alleyway. Aurora squints her eyes and sees Samantha standing in front of someone with her back facing them.

"Remember how we used to joke about her running an underground drug thingy? Maybe this is that?" Tom hissed as he repeatedly tapped Aurora's shoulder. As funny as that would be, it was obviously not that. They bickered trying to figure out what she was doing until they heard a sharp slap. Without even thinking - Tom yelled out and saw Samantha's body freeze.

Aurora followed behind him, hearing a silent sob which broke her heart. Hannah was a bully but she was never physical with anyone who had worked there before though. Tom walked up to her and tried turning her with his arm to see who she was abusing and they both gasped when they saw Amara with a black eye and a red print on her cheek - without thinking Aurora sped towards her and wrapped a shaken Amara with her cardigan and her and Tom brought her inside.

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