Chapter 14 - Woven baskets and Movies

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"Oouuu so you're going to her place tonight then?" Miles said wriggling his eyebrows, giving the dummy we used for practice an upper kick before looking over at me

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"Oouuu so you're going to her place tonight then?" Miles said wriggling his eyebrows, giving the dummy we used for practice an upper kick before looking over at me. Him and I were both at Muay Thai practice, we did this twice a week together and it's been a thing since we were in university.

"Yes she wanted to watch movies together; she got a new projection screen and is really excited about it." I said smiling as I drove my fists into my practice dummy. Before pulling back and angling by body to kick my leg up.

It had been over two weeks since Aurora and I had dinner at Hamzah's restaurant, I've been trying to go at a slow pace but hearing her moans ringing in my ears throughout my week was tough. I snuck in kisses where I could and we had moments where we'd just heavily make out or talk to each other on the phone about stupid shit.

We made sure to keep busy too, we've already gone to get ice cream together at her favourite parlour a couple times and we even went to the zoo - that's where I found out that Aurora is terrified of Giraffes and hippos. She thinks they know something we don't.

"Look at you smiling so hard thinking about your girlfriend, this is adorable." Miles teased me, patting me on the shoulders from behind me. I didn't even notice but he wasn't wrong - she made me very happy.

"Do you think I should bring anything? Like a movie night snack box or something?" I asked, I was already formulating a checklist of all the snacks to get in my head and woven baskets that my mother left at my house.

"That's an adorable idea Oli boy, go for it!" Miles encouraged, walking over to get his water bottle. Usually we'd be up against someone else at the gym but this time Miles and I decided to take it easy since we both wanted to be with our partners tonight - damn, I have a partner.

"Do you think you'll introduce her to your family? Do they even know about her or that she works at the restaurant?" Miles asked me, I walked over to the side and slumped on the ground realising how sweaty and out of breath I was, he eventually joined in sitting next to me and passed me a water bottle - I gave a curt nod before sipping and contemplating on what I was asked. I took a deep sigh before responding.

"I actually would love to take her to my parents, knowing them they'd love her more than me. But they don't know shes working at the restaurant." I explained. Honestly, another reason is fear. I've never brought anyone to my parents at all so this would mean a lot for our relationship if I brought her over, it might be too much for her right now.

"What about her family? Have you met hers? I know you guys haven't been together very long but still curious," Miles asked me looking out into the rest of the gym.

One major thing I did notice when speaking with her was that she didn't like to go into too much when it came to her family. Based on her eyes I could tell it was a touchy subject for her and she obviously had a good enough reason for that so I never asked about it again, she did say she had a little sister but that's pretty much it.

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