Chapter 12 - Officially Official?

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"Hello earth to Ora?" I saw a hand wave in front of my face during my lecture

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"Hello earth to Ora?" I saw a hand wave in front of my face during my lecture. It was Uche, my closest friend on this course.

"Yeah hi, sorry about that." My eyes snap back to look into her dark brown ones. Her radiant face showed a smile as she leaned into her hands as her elbows rested on the table.

"I know Marshall is boring but usually you're extremely engaged, what's on your mind sis?" She asks me narrowing her eyes. Her intuition strikes again I see.

"Nothing! I just stayed up doing my essay last night, that's all." I say shifting my gaze back to the board showing the extremely bare PowerPoints Marshall was always reading from, it really made me question the amount I was paying to even be here but at this rate I only have a couple more months left until I'm finished.

"Yeah I'm not believing that for a second, but you know what? I'll let you off the hook this time." She said lowly before looking at the board with me.

Uche was a friend I got really close with during my second year, she was an international student from Nigeria and was actually doing modelling on the side through her eldest brother's editorial company. She was very tall with a slender frame and probably the best sitting breasts I've ever seen anyone have, she had the most radiant mahogany skin and sharp facial features. She was extremely beautiful; the kind that would leave you speechless.

We initially bonded over a stupid internet reference and we've studied together and sat next to each other since then. She's been amazing to me when it comes to getting me to open up and be more myself in my course and it's started to help me be more approachable with other people too.

As Marshall concluded the material for today we took our stuff and walked out into the wide corridor, it was 1pm so I still had a lot of time before my shift at work started.

"So how's your dissertation coming along? Our due date is so close by; I don't know why they want it so soon." Uche asked me as she leaned her body against the wall looking at me.

"It's definitely coming along, there was a lot of material for my title so that helped me a lot," I explained to her. "But I still need to perfect it, what about you?"

"I did the title." Uche gives me a tight smile that signals to me not to ask her anything else. She quickly retracts what she says as her eyes shift to whatever is behind me. It must be him.

"Hello girls! How's the work coming along? Dissertations going smoothly?" The smooth deep voice of our programme leader rings into our ears. Damon Sharpe. Uche, I understand you.

"Yeah sir, I was just telling Aurora here that I was nearly done with mine." Uche shyly gets out, stuttering a bit with a cheesy smile.

She's so real for lying like that.

"Yeah! And I've nearly finished just need to tidy up some parts." I smile and pat Uche on the shoulder.

His tall frame in a very put together outfit that consisted of tailored pants and a matching jumper with a Hugo logo on it. He smiled down at us, his wavy short blonde hair combed back as his friendly blue eyes looked down at us; his grown out facial hair having some sparse grey hairs.
A beautiful man that made coming in worth it indeed.

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