Chapter 4 - Teamwork

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"Go for it sir." I respond.

I'm trying my absolute hardest to be as cool as a fucking cucumber while looking at this man but seeing him grin at me, seeing those bouncy dark curls fall over his eyebrows I mean come on! But also, this job pays too good for me to lose it over a little crush on my boss.

"I need someone to help me out actually, there was an anonymous tip from one of the workers about customer neglect. I was wondering if you'd be willing to help me investigate that?" He asked while twirling the gold rings on his fingers. Hm you know I've always been told I'm good at cooking and housework, I just don't know how to work that into this conversation- I'm playing of course.

"I don't know about that one sir, I'd say Samantha is more your speed with that kind of stuff. She watches everything." I chuckle. Wait, Aroura was that shady?

He nodded before standing up and before I knew it he was right in front of me and all I could see was chest. I shamefully kept my eyes there since I didn't even have the courage to look up and felt his eyes on the top of my forehead, his body heat radiating from around me. I'm going to get through at least two smut mangas to tame whatever this is, I'm no cat.

"But I want it to be you." He says. I'd say it was more like a growl with that deep raspy voice of his.

At this point not meeting his eyes just felt rude so I clenched my thighs and coochie and decided to face my front and look this man in the eyes. The hazel eyes. On his tanned freckled face. His chiselled tan freckles face.

"I've observed a lot today and you stood out to me. You've served the most people today and you deal with the conflict around here well. That's why it had to be you." He explained looking back at me and then eying the restaurant.

Of course, that makes sense. Of course it would be because of that, he's my boss so there wouldn't be another reason for him to choose me anyway. Maybe helping out wouldn't be so bad I mean I am insanely curious on who could've brought up that non-issue to him, but I don't know if I'd ever even have enough time for all this with university and all.

"Forgive me but I'm not so sure sir, I'm pretty busy outside of work. When would we even do this investigation and how would it be done?" I question him. My logical brain took over my heart temporarily with the annoying truth; this is something that can make me look bad to the other employees too.

"Don't worry about it, I'll run everything by Charlie. But I wanted us to meet towards the end of your shift and after I've done an inspection and we'd both fill each-other in on what we gathered. There is no pressure here, you don't have to share what you don't feel comfortable sharing; I've just been appointed to help out and notice a couple gaps here that need to be fixed to optimise the place." He stepped away and slipped his hands into his pockets.

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