Chapter 5 - The Update

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Aurora took a sigh as she made her way down the corridor in her work

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Aurora took a sigh as she made her way down the corridor in her work. Her shift was long, she witnessed a bad breakup and the lady cried so hard she threw up in her pasta, a toddler slipped on the cart used to pick up plates and cried about it and she was pretty sure she accidentally wore her underwear backwards today.

Despite all that though, the thought of the debrief with her attractive superior was on her mind and made everything more bearable. She looked down at her stained apron as she walked down the corridor, the anticipation was making her palms go sweaty and she started to feel self conscious.

She didn't know if she could handle his eyes looking into her soul without blushing, how she can act normal with his sculpted physique peeking through his suit, and his height towering over her while she goes over her shift.
With her head filled with hot make-believe edits of her boss overwhelming her mind she didn't notice that she was outside of the man's door.

Her eyes stayed on the door knob but she knew she couldn't avoid the unavoidable as this was something she had agreed to.

She knocked on the door.

She shook back a little and took a sharp breath and looked either side of her in the corridor. What she was doing wasn't even shady but it almost felt like it was since she was essentially a business spy. She heard a throat clear and a deep:

"Come in."

Aurora opened the door to see her boss leaning against his desk looking directly at her and she came into the office and closed the door. She smiled but looked down to avoid the extremely intimidating stare and walked towards him. She didn't know that Oliver had also been working himself to death to avoid his nervousness, he knew his feelings were growing and feared he'd show them too quickly.

However, seeing her again proved to him it would be difficult to do that. He couldn't help but stare at her, her form coming towards her, her skin glowing from the light coming through his office blinds and her amazing scent made him feel delirious. In a good way.

"I came to update you on my shift." Aurora said, glaring between his eyebrows to avoid his gaze.

Oliver smiled, almost forgetting the reasoning why they were even doing these in the first place.

"Of course, please update me on everything you came across. Anyone acting weirdly?" Oliver asked, leaning forward a little bit.

Aurora was growing more anxious and could feel her body overheat from the closer contact between her and her boss. Her mind was malfunctioning as she was trying to come up with a response without completely shutting down when she looked in his eyes. Both of them had a magnetic attraction towards each-other, both felt it, both didn't want to fully admit it though.

"Well.... Did anything happen?" Oliver's raspy voice rang in her head as he stared at her walking towards her.

Before Aurora had time to come out with a response his large hand rose and grazed the side of her jaw, she breathed out as he tilted her head up to meet his. His eyes bore into her as he gave a devilish smile before leaning in more. Oliver wanted to inhale her. He wanted more of her smell, he wanted to hold her, caress her and see how loud he could make her.

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