Chapter 19 - Valentine's Day (Part 2)

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"Oli, how much longer do I have to keep this blindfold on?" Aurora asked tiredly

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"Oli, how much longer do I have to keep this blindfold on?" Aurora asked tiredly.

He had placed another one on her and this time he was guiding her through to their hotel suite. He knew she would love it so he was willing to hear the whining until they got there and they were very close.

"Not much longer baby, we are really close," he continued to guide her until they reached two very large doors. He brought out his room keys and pushed both doors open; bringing her gently inside.

The silence in the room was only filled with Aurora's heels clanking as her arms were sprawled around her trying to feel for whatever she could. She could hear Oliver snigger and she whipped her head towards the sounds' direction.

"This isn't funny Oliver!" She said as she hobbled towards the middle of the suite.

"You're absolutely right; fortunately it's time to take it off now," he said, clearing his throat and reaching over gently and taking off the blindfold. His hands rested on her shoulders as he turned her towards the bed that was filled with bags of gifts for her. She gasped as she took in a large queen sized bed filled with gifts and rose petals for her. In fact the whole suite was huge and amazingly decorated.

"I-is this all for me?" She stuttered while pointing at the bed and looking back at him but his face held a big grin as he nodded at her.

In disbelief, she walked towards the bed. She saw the branded boxes and even saw some sweet treats and some exciting book covers for her, her eyes began to well as she sped towards him for a hug - this time not caring as much about her makeup.

"I absolutely love it! Thank you," she muttered against his neck. His hands rested on her lower back as he gently nodded.

They settled on the bed, Oliver lying on his side after deciding the ditch the blazer as he watched her open everything - taking in her expressions of pure excitement at each thing. Her excited smile at him as she rambled about how much she loved each gift only made his heart flutter. Before long, all the gifts were placed in the corner of the room and Aurora was standing with her body facing the gifts, she was so busy scanning everything she got that she didn't notice Oliver behind her until she felt his arms snake around her waist.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?" His deep voice muttered against her neck. She hummed and nodded. The smell of vanilla and flowers made his dick hard as he gently pressed himself into her more.

"Yes you have, have I told you how good you look?" She responded, her hand rested on his as his grip around her waist. She felt him growing slowly and gently curved her back into him more.

"I'll take that as a yes." She thought.

She turned to face his chest, feeling his hands shift to lightly cling to her ass as she looked up at him and their lips met. She moaned as her arms went around his neck, pressing her chest against his as she inhaled his smell as his hands grabbed her tighter. He felt her and wanted to feel her bare skin against his, the softness as well as the firm grip he had on her flesh as his lips melted into hers.

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