Chapter 18 - Valentines Day (Part 1)

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"Ora you've said no to like twenty dresses so far," Ingrid groaned as we entered another store

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"Ora you've said no to like twenty dresses so far," Ingrid groaned as we entered another store. I was trying to find the perfect dress for Valentine's Day, it was tomorrow and I dragged Ingrid out to help me pick something last minute.

Everything I saw didn't give me the vibe I wanted and I didn't have a price limit since Oliver gave me his card. His shiny black card which I had no problem taking.

"And if places keep letting me down we're going to get to twenty one," I sighed. My fingers running through the isle of another boutique not seeing exactly what I like.

I wanted to look as sexy as possible.

"I mean at least he gave you a guideline," Ingrid said to me as she peered around the store.

"He didn't give me shit, but it's fine I'm going to just see what fits the vibe the most," I roll my eyes and continue moving around the store. As my eyes dance around the store, my eyes land on a beautiful lace red dress dressed on a mannequin. It was on its own platform with lights facing it; it felt as though it was calling for me.

"It's perfect." I whispered as I walked towards the mannequin.

I was in awe as I stared at this deep red lace dress. It went down to the ankle, with a deep slit on the side and it had an embroidered corset with a traditional corset tie at the back and a sweetheart neckline. My hands lightly grazed the material, the material felt soft and delicate and when I looked closer I saw small rhinestones sewn in there.

This was it. This was the dress.

"Ingrid I found it!" I squealed as I pretty much skipped towards her and dragged her towards my chosen dress. Her mouth fell open as she took in the dress and looked over at me raising both of her thumbs up.

"Well come on then! Go try it on!" Ingrid pushes me towards the dress, I peer around the side and see the isle showing the dress in different sizes but only one came in my size so I snatched it and ran towards the fitting room.

As I stripped and slipped on this dress, I inhaled as I zipped and tightened the lace in the back, pushing and shoving my boobs so they fitted nicely and smoothed it down with my hands. The dress stuck to the curvature of my waist and fit snug on my hip, the deep slit on the side showed my legs beautifully. I began to tear up a little at how beautiful it was.

I reach for the door and open it to show Ingrid who was sitting in the lounge reaching a magazine, she looked up and started squealing.

"Auroraaaa you look incredible!" She gushed as she fanned her face and walked around me in circles.

"Oliver is going to pass out when he sees you, now let's take this to the till." Ingrid gently pushes me back into the changing room so we can go buy the dress.

"Will this be all ma'am?" The cashier's strong French accent said as she scanned the price tag. She had a very odd smirk on her face before asking me about any additional attire I would want to purchase with the dress. Me and Ingrid looked at each other out of confusion before looking back at her.

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