Chapter 3 - Negligence

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"Okay so I made sure my assistant handed you everything so you'd know how this restaurant gets down. We have a meeting with the managers of the other branches in the next two days; so Wednesday."

"Oli? Hey!" I heard fingers snap and I was out of my daze and my view focused back on my cousin.

"Sorry sorry, what were you saying? I didn't get much sleep so my mind is a bit haywire today." I explained, smiling back at him.

He smiled back before readjusting his glasses and gives me a knowing look in his eyes.

"Don't look at me like that! It's true I tell ya." I say chuckling and straighten out my shirt to avoid eye contact temporarily. This man could read me like a book; which is why working with him now was hell in that sense. What was even more annoying was that he wasn't even wrong but I couldn't tell him that.

My mind has been replaying the last time I was at this place, I had to meet Charlie on his way out and decided to wait in restaurant since we both had to go over how this co-ownership would work successfully. Me and my cousin made a great team with everything we put our minds too throughout our childhood since we were the same age; so I know, no, expected this whole conversation to go well. It did.


I didn't expect to meet someone. I didn't expect to find random excuses to catch a glimpse at her. I didn't expect to be so unfocused during a meeting with my cousin thinking about her beautiful baby doll eyes and her plump glossy lips. It wasn't like me. At all. Usually when it came to business I was always extremely focused; Charlie was more of the ladies man despite his more nerdy appearance.

But the image of her looking back up at me, the way her lips pouted, the way you could see the sprinkle of beauty spots on her radiant golden complexion and her amber braids framing her face perfectly. The kind gaze she held with me instantly made my whole body pulsate, I wouldn't be surprised if she saw my pupils dilate. She had the most amazing smell; I wanted to have her around me so I could smell her floral vanilla scent constantly.

Aurora. Such a beautiful name, it suited her perfect. She truly glowed like a delicate princess.

"Ugh whatever I won't even bother asking, it's not like you'll tell me anyway. But anyway all I was talking about was that-"And just like that I tuned out again.

All that kept going through my mind was being able to see her again. At first I didn't really take what I was feeling too seriously, but seeing her in the alley and the way my heart nearly leapt out of my chest when she fell- I just knew. Helped her get up on her feet and feeling that spark further clarified it all to me, there was just something about this woman.

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