Chapter 15 | Around My Neck

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Hey guys!

I hope you enjoy this smutty sexy chapter!

Jesse_Winter_Soldier and Talia-Rumlow
thank you both for cheer reading! You guys are the best!🖤

Drop a comment and let me know your thoughts on the direction this chapter is going 😉

Happy Reading!


{This chapter is named after FINNEAS-Around My Neck}

Shout out to cptscarlett7  for suggesting this song to me!

The arrival of June marked the beginning of a heat wave, setting the tone for the upcoming summer months

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The arrival of June marked the beginning of a heat wave, setting the tone for the upcoming summer months. In the bustling streets of New York City, a relentless heat wave took hold, casting a shimmering haze over the urban landscape. The air, thick with humidity, wrapped itself around pedestrians and buildings alike, creating a stifling atmosphere that seemed to press against every inch of skin.

Sidewalks sizzled under the scorching sun, radiating waves of heat that seemed to dance in the air. People sought refuge in shaded spots beneath awnings as the sweltering temperatures subdued the city's usual rhythm.

Even as the sunset, the heat persisted, casting an orange glow across the skyline and turning structures into silhouettes against the warm evening sky. The nights they remained balmy, carrying an anticipation of a cooler respite that seemed just out of reach.

Steve, Wade, and Quill walked into the Stark Industries building, their dress shirts already sticking to their skin from the early morning heat. The sun was already blazing, casting a shimmering haze over the city.

Wade fanned himself with his hand, grumbling, "Seriously, is this what hell feels like? It's like a sauna out here."

Quill nodded vigorously, unbuttoning the top button of his shirt. "Tell me about it. My shirt feels like it's trying to strangle me."

Steve chuckled, tugging at his tie. "At least we'll have the sweet relief of the air conditioning once we're inside."

Wade rolled his eyes playfully. "Yeah, and I'll probably freeze to death. Stark's obsession with keeping the office Arctic-level cold is going to be the death of me."

As they stepped into the cool lobby, Steve let out a sigh of relief. "You know, one summer in high school, work construction back in Brooklyn during the summer. This is nothing compared to that."

Quill raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Construction, huh? I guess we're in the presence of a true summer heat veteran."

Steve laughed, shaking his head. "I wouldn't go that far."

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