Still the closest 4

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A sunny day today.... And no tasks as everyone used in SS....... All vice captains planned to set together and spend a nice time....

As u know.... Soiren is also a vice captain... And she be with them today.... Renji got the chance and wanted to prepare a surprise....

Okay... All vice_ captains came as they restaurant at SS....
Talking to each others... Eating... Drinking tea..... Till this moment.....

Renji standed and went to Soiren in front of everyone.... And holded Soiren's hand....

Renji : Soiren...... I know that this so sudden... But.... Do u agree to marry me....

Soiren and all vice_captains : ehhhhhhh!!!!!!!! What did u saayyyyyy!!!!!!!!

Soiren and all vice_captains : ehhhhhhh!!!!!!!! What did u saayyyyyy!!!!!!!!

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Soiren blushed... But she was anxious.....

Soiren : Ren.... Can we go to another place... I need to talk to u in private...

Renji : ofc....

Went together to the same place which their first meeting was there....

Soiren : Ren... I don't want to hurt your feelings... But.... From the first time u told me that u love me... In that night.... I was afraid because I felt someday u'll tell me about marrying me.... And... I don't know if u'll understand me 🥺....

Renji : why r u afraid.... Tell me... R u okay!!?

Soiren : Ren..... I didn't think I'm too weak like this when I fight Aizen.... I can't be weak anymore... So...

Renji : so what!? What's the link between marriage and being weak!! They r all different topics...

Soiren : I didn't continue yet.... I meant I want to be stronger I'm Shihouin after all...I want to be strong.... So... I'm not thinking about  marrying.... Because I'll spend all my time in training..... But that's not mean I hate u or anything like this....

Her eyes started tearing....

Soiren : Ren... Please I don't want to be your destroyer in my complex and bad thoughts.... So please!!! U should forget me at all to continue your life simply!!!!

Renji : .. Hah...*with smiling face* and why did u think u r destroyer to me... Your words r motivating me to start training also.... I can't let u be better than me.... Even if u r my role model..

Soiren : Ren!! ..... Thank u very much !! I'm so happy that u understand 🥹

Renji :it was easy thing... And when I asked u I prepared myself to the both answers.... And I'll not think about marrying now till I feel I became stronger enough...

Soiren : so... In that time... I'm who'll choose your future wife...

Renji : hah... I'm curious to see your taste in choosing....

Soiren : but Ren... What we will tell our friends now 🙂we didn't marry..

Renji : it's not easy a lot 😨... But it's okay we will tell them

They returned together to their friends.... And told them that they DIDN'T MARRIED.... And explained to them.... Everyone understand them....

Soiren returned to Renji in the 2nd day.... And told him that he STILL THE CLOSEST friend to her heart and not silly issues will keep them away...

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