Blood war / Ultra feline Instinct

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"Aizen... I'll trust u this time... So... Give my power back " Soiren said...

So... Soiren approached to Aizen... To give her some of his Reatsu....

*He put his hands on her shoulder.... And approached his face from her*

*she closed her eyes.... And after that.. He started to give her his power.... Held her hand... And raised it a little..*

Renji and Ichigo could come by The portal that Yohabaha had made before ... and they tried to attack him..

But they shocked that Aizen is their ally... Ichigo shocked because of this.... But in fact.. Renji shocked more because he is too close to Soiren and holding her hand... He didn't know that he was giving her power...

Unfortunately.. He thought that Soiren left him because she wanted Aizen as her partner 🤭

Soiren said
"Ren.... Don't understand wrong... He is just giving me my Reatsu... Please... Protect us with Ichigo till I have my power again "

Aizen was using Kiyoka Suigetsu.. His Zanpakuto... While he was giving Soiren his power.... Yuhabaha didn't know that Aizen was using Kiyoka Suigetsu from the beginning.... He just hide his effect from Soiren... Ichigo.. And Renji....

Soiren had her power again...

Aizen : so... Show us your hidden power... Paralyzed queen...
(It's soiren's second nickname 🤭)

Soiren : heeh... In fact I'll not use my Zanpakuto in this attack.... It's something new...

Soiren switched to cat shape suddenly

Cat Soiren : heeereee I'mmm 😸haa

Aizen, Ichigo, Renji and Yuhabaha : eeeeeeeeehhh!!!!

Aizen : I'm regret now 🤦‍♂️ why should I give u my precious Reatsu!! I'm idiot

Renji : u were doing some bad actions with Aizen just for your jokes..

Ichigo : it's not time for your program now!!! We r in a fight!!!!

Yuhabaha : I'm no longer expect a strong and unexpected attacks from u anymore...

Cat Soiren : guys!!! Don't be hard and serious like this.. U didn't see anything yet...

A White and Yellow Reatsu... Made a strong wind around it... Appeared around cat Soiren .... The cat body started to be bigger...the fangs became longer...her claws also became longer...And some brown marks appeared on the big cat.....

"𝙐𝙡𝙩𝙧𝙖 𝙛𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙩 "
Is the name of her power...

Big cat Soiren started moving

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Big cat Soiren started moving ....She injured him ...i mean Yuhabaha using an attack with her released some of her Reatsu

The fight continued....Ichigo helped Soiren using her Zanpakuto... Also Aizen helped her using his Kyoka Suigetsu for hypnosis ...

His Zanpakuto was affecting just Yuhabaha... It didn't affect Soiren, Ichigo and Renji...

Soiren went to Yuhabaha quickly... Used her long fangs... And started biting him continually....

Yuhabaha tried to stop her... But he couldn't....

Finally.... The brown marks on her body as cat.. Started to increase... She opened her mouth... And released a big bump.... If I wanna describe it... It's kinda like cero... But it has some differences....

Yuhabaha couldn't move anymore after this huge bump..

Ishida appeared suddenly after he was with his father...

Ishida shoot his great arrow.... After that... Ichigo attacked him in (Getsuga Tensho)

And the war ended.....

Soiren returned to her real shape

Aizen approached to Soiren...

Aizen : we did a great job together... Soiren... I think when I was close to u when I gave u your power...I realized that ... I love u.... Maybe... I'll not return to my bad actions again... So.. Would u like to get marry from me... And live a normal life her... In SS.... And make u happy after everything happened... ?

Renji : *with angry face * u r villain!!! How even u can say this to Soiren!!!!

Soiren : calm down.. Renji....
Aizen.... Even if u felt regret from what u did to me before... And even if u helped me in the war... That's not mean that I'll forgive u completely... Also.... That's not mean I'll accept your silly request about get marry from me... R u trying to say this... To get out of the moken!? It's just in your dreams.... Also... My first and last love is Renji.... And when I didn't marry him.... It's impossible to marry u AT ALL... So... Return to your place under the ground... The moken... Stay there...

After finishing this annoying conversation.... She went quickly to Renji and hugged him..... Renji blushed....with a tired case...

Soiren : Renji .... I'm so tired now.... Can u take me to the home.... I want to sleep....

Renji : smiled * ofc...i'll do.... U did a great job Soiren... U deserve to rest..

Soiren : thank u.... I'll stay a week here in SS after returning to the Royal Palace.... There is a big chaos there....

Renji : don't worry...

The next part is a special part... About cat Soiren's program.....

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