blood war / incredible 1

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The case was worse.... Because after all division 0 defeated..... The soul king is in danger......
So.... Yoruichi went with the others to check the soul king.....while Soiren is still tired... After Inoue healed her and went with Yoruichi....

she tried to get up and stand to continue fighting with others..... But she felt Ukitake's reatsu and the right hand of soul king (Mimihage) ...

Tried immediately to go there... But she couldn't move quickly because of her case.......

Ukitake risked his life to not let Yuhabaha to destroy soul king for the balance of the three worlds... And to save them all.....

Soiren started to remember her beautiful memories with Ukitake when she was child.... Everyone knows the nice side of Ukitake specially with children.... He was really nice and play with her all the time and didn't mind that she is illegal child.....

He died... And Soiren arrived there and Said :

"Ukitake taicho.... Your great sacrifice will not lose quickly.... We will continue your determination and your promise till the end... And we will save soul king... "

Mimihage could hold the soul King's body and make like a new soul king

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Mimihage could hold the soul King's body and make like a new soul king.... But it disappeared after minutes unfortunately.....

While Urahara wasn't able to think about any new solution..... Soiren appeared again..... After these effective words to Ukitake....

She finally used the real essence of her necklace that she created....

"Seigyo.... Togo " Is the name of her new Ticniqe... (It means " The controller.... Reinforcement" )

When she appeared in this shape again

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When she appeared in this shape again.... The necklace bright at the middle of her head.... And she released her reatsu and tried to pressure the reatsu to support the royal palace so that it does not fall... and it was able to do so despite the emergence of foreign bodies when it absorbed the arm of the soul king....
She could keep the Royal Palace safe even after the arrancar arrived.... Fullbringers arrived....

But because they went in a box that Yukio made....
They didn't noticed what happened....

Soiren kept the whole Royal Palace solid and not destroyed ..... But Yuhabaha laughed at her.... And said :

" U thought u could stop my plans when u kept the Royal Palace by yourself? U thought I'm not able to destroy it after u did this? "

Soiren replied..

"Who knows.... I'm still able to keep it.... And after that.... I'll make whole rest of my Reatsu to beat u and save these worlds..... "

Yuhabaha laughed more....

"Idiot..... U really helped me in your process.... Now... I'm able to build the Royal Palace in my way...... The Royal Palace is mine now "

Soiren shocked a lot because her all efforts were in the side of the enemy...... She stopped her process... But she was using it for the first time and took a long time... So.... No more Reatsu to Soiren... And started suffering from new bad effects.....
Fall to the ground... And all her Reatsu stopped!!!

The option that she will survive is just 10℅...

So.... No one knows what's her end....

Continue in the next part....

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