Blood war / I'm without power

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After they left Kyoraku to continue their way.... Renji was still holding Soiren...

But again.... Another Quincy attacked them....

Renji had to give Soiren off his hands

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Renji had to give Soiren off his hands.... And he gave her to her father... And said :

Renji : guys.... Let this Quincy for me... U have to go all now....

Soiren : I'll not stop u ren... Because...i'll not be helpful to u in my case now.... But... U know right? U have to be careful...

Renji : ah... Ofc Soiren....

Rukia was with him also

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Rukia was with him also...

Soiren and Urahara continued their way....

Urahara : it seems your mom started fighting seriously now....

Soiren : yeah... I feel her Reatsu *shocking a little *

Urahara : what's wrong?

Soiren : Yushiro!!! I felt his Reatsu before a minute while he used Shunko!!! But now!! I don't feel his Reatsu anymore!!! And also!!! My mom's Reatsu is low now!! What should we do? Dad?

Urahara : *smiles * I think it's time to go and help your mother..

Soiren : but... I told u... I lost my Reatsu a lot... And it's so hard to get it again.... So... I can't fight and help u both...

Urahara : I know that.... So... U have to go to that palace.... Ichigo is going there because Yuhabaha is there.... U don't have to fight with him... But help him to reach him only...

Soiren : okay....

After that.... Soiren did what her father told her... And went to the palace.... And when she entered.....

She surprised that she found chado and Gonju ....

They were fighting a Stone statues were attacking them in the palace

Soiren even she doesn't have Reatsu... But easily... She helped them using Hakuda (her physical fighting) don't forget that she is strong physically.... So... She could defeat them with her two friends....

While she was fighting them... She blushed suddenly

Chado and Gonju noticed her....

Gonju : Soiren Chan... Why r u blushing.... It's rarely to see u shows some feelings 😳?

Soiren : ehh nothing Gonju... It's just...*felt angry * my idiot father!!!

Gonju : father!? Wasn't u with him?

Soiren : yes... But he went to help my mom... And here is the problem 😒😳

Chado : *blushing also * hmm I think I understand why r u blushing... Soiren..

Gonju : all of u understand... Tell me tell me!!

Soiren : my father is doing some un moral acts to my mom 😖

Gonju : ehhhh... And how could u know these details here!!!😱

They were speaking and they forgot that they were fighting....

One of those statues attacked Gonju... But soiren could quickly save him and go away....

They continued fighting to protect Ichigo and Inoue and let them fight Yuhabaha easily .....

Continue in the next part.....

Soiren/ the leftover Shihouin Where stories live. Discover now