U r all in my heart

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Soiren POV :

"Now.... I'm in SS... After we finished the great war...helped my friends in fixing some of this chaos in SS ....and today....In front of Ukitake's grave....I remember some of my memories with him.... When I was a child...... "

Flash back *

Child Soiren was at age of 20 .... As shinigami ofc.... Or let's say... She was still young like this 👇

It was the day she became a member in division 2

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It was the day she became a member in division 2 .... Her friends were so happy for her.... And they congrats her ....

She had to go to Yamamoto to announce officially that she became a shinigami in omits kido ....

She realized that she was too late from the time.... So... She went quickly.... And quickly.. In her way... She collided with Ukitake taicho ... And fell on the ground...

(Hmm he wasn't like that exactly

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(Hmm he wasn't like that exactly.. Let's say.... He was younger.... Because in this shape of him Soiren was (30_50) yo or even older... )

Soiren : I'm sorry!.. I was so hurry I didn't notice... (*she was in pain because of the collide)

Ukitake : noo never say that!!!! And r u okay !! Give me your hand!!

Soiren : I'm okay... Thank u...

Ukitake : I heard that u became a member in division 2 ... Congratulations!! I'm sure u'll become a great shinigami in the future... Specially u r shihouin... U'll be so talented in your abilities and your clan abilities when u learn them...

Soiren : aha yes yes.... I'll try my best *showing a sad face *

Ukitake : what's happening to u? It doesn't seem that u r happy!

Soiren : no... I'm happy!! But can u please don't say my clan name again?

Ukitake : why?? Anything happened between u and them??

Soiren : no... And also I can't tell u anything about them...

Ukitake : just tell me... And I'll not tell anyone... Okay?

Soiren : *as a little girl... She started crying... And she started telling him what makes her sad because of her clan....

" Yesterday... My mom told them that I became officially from gotei 13...but they wasn't satisfied from this.... They told my mom that our clan will lose its pride if it developed with illegitimate member and became an important member of it.....

They told her also.... If u listened to us... And killed her from the time she born... We wouldn't reach all of this... They didn't realize that I was listening to them 🥺... And these words really hurts me "

Ukitake : I understand now.... There is no doubt about it.... The noble clans are all puritanical... But don't forget that u r (Soiren Shihouin) not because u r shihouin... Because u r yourself...
And we r so proud that u r between us... Between gotei 13 ....this is your place... Your environment... Not shihouin clan.... *tried to clear her tears *

Soiren : Ukitake_taicho..... Thank u so much.... Your words really make me comfortable.... And yes!! I'm shihouin Soiren from division 2 !! This is my ID!!!!

Ukitake : ofc ☺.... And now!! We r too late again!!! Let's go before Genriousai sensei will shout on us!!!

Returning to present*

Soiren put a flower on his grave.... And said : this flower... Is the happiness u gave to me.... The all thanking from me to u for everything.... Just some words from u changed my life.... U released me from my clan...Which is about to accept me to lead it after some months..... Ukitake taicho.... Rest in peace...

Continue in the next part.....

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