Blood war / Your future

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Soiren suddenly felt Ichigo's Reatsu is about to disappear.... Also.... Inoue...the only one who can heal him.... Also had some injuries....

Without thinking.... Soiren went to help them.... Chad and Gonju tried to stop her.... But they couldn't....

Renji and Rukia after they left Byakuya and finished their fight came to help Ichigo as Byakuya told them...

But... When they arrived.... They found Soiren when she went quickly to them....

Renji and Rukia with high voice "Soireeeeen!!!! Don't go there!!!! It's dangerous!!!!!! "

But soiren didn't listen to them.... And Reached to Yuhabaha again....

Yuhabaha : heeeh... Look... The Shihouin lady again.... I thought u died when u received my last attack...

Soiren : hah sorry if I destroyed your dreams in killing me... But sadly.... I can't die easily...

Yuhabaha : I saw your future in my ability... And u r no longer alive in the future...

Yuhabaha attacked her suddenly... But Renji arrived at the last minute and block his blow using Zabimaru...

Yuhabaha decided to leave using a Ticniqe to go to SS.... But soiren immediately went behind her..... Renji and Rukia tried hard to stop her... But she was so quickly when she used her speed... Even Yuhabaha didn't notice that she went behind him....

At the time Tsukishima... Genju came to help Ichigo in getting his Zanpakuto again after it was broken....

So... Inoue was able to fix it again

Renji : that Idiot!!! That idiot ... That Idiot!!!!

Rukia : ... U mean... About Soiren...

Renji : yes ofc!!!! How can she risk her life like that!!! And she even doesn't care about this!!!!

Rukia :maybe... She wanted to improve herself more... Didn't u notice.... She changed a lot in this year...

Renji : u r right.... Idk how to describe this change.... Maybe if she didn't change.... What her personality will be now...

Rukia : I think u would get married.... And she wouldn't risk her life like that....

Renji : I think I should not be sad for this... But.... I'll try to encourage her and be besides her if her determination like that...

Ichigo is ready... So... Renji and Ichigo quickly went behind Yuhabaha and Soiren...


What happened before they went behind them..?.

Okay.... When Soiren appeared after Yuhabaha in SS in front of Aizen.... Yuhabaha was so angry because of her act of going behind him....

She felt tired again because of her low Reatsu..... And he tried to kill her again.... But the shock that.... Aizen was there... And he saved her....

Soiren didn't shock because she felt what was Kyoraku planning to

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Soiren didn't shock because she felt what was Kyoraku planning to....

But... She shocked because Aizen saved her....

Soiren : it's kinda weird... Aizen... Who thought that u'll save me once...

Aizen : come to me... Dear Urahara's daughter... Ofc I'll save u because I feel there is a great power inside u can help us to finish this....

Soiren : great power!?

Aizen : yes.... Now... I have a huge Reatsu... I can give u Reatsu can replace all Reatsu u lost before....

Before Continuing his last word... Yuhabaha attacked him...

Aizen : Yuhabaha.... U really helped me out.... No... I can move as I want without this chair....

Soiren : Aizen.... I'll trust u this time.... So... Give my power back...

Continue in the next part.....

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