Truth caused losing treasures /the end

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Soiren and Renji went to the roof to tell him the truth.... Renji didn't recognize truth of what Soiren will tell him... And what she hided from him....

Soiren : in fact.... I told u we didn't get marry because I wanted to be stronger right?.... In fact... I'll tell u the real reason now...

Renji : the real reason? What is it?

Soiren : it was before 10 years...I'll tell u a conversation happened between me and Yushiro about leading the clan...

Yushiro : Soiren San... Remember that u r illegitimate daughter in Shihouin clan... Add to that... So... Many members of our clan don't accept as head for them....

Soiren : I'm not guilty if my parents who did that... It's not my mistake... And is that the only thing which don't let then accepting me?

Yushiro : ofc no.... Other reasons ... U still in the rank (vice_captain) u even didn't reach the rank (captain of division 2)

Soiren : hah.... I'll not ganna replace Soi fon Taicho for that.... But I'll do something will make me higher than being just a captain in gotie 13 (soiren means joining to squad 0)

Yushiro : sounds interesting.... May I'll see what u'll do.... But the last reason I have to tell u is.... Some of our clan members saw u with that red hair man...

 Some of our clan members saw u with that red hair man

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Soiren : red hair man? U mean... Renji?

Yushiro : yes.... In fact ofc that this is your personal life... And no one of our clan can control this... And we will not stop your ship.... But.... R u sure that u'll focus on your clan without letting your personal situations with him affect u? Or I mean.... If u got married... And had full family... He will not interfere in your clan matters and your authority on it?

Soiren.... Thought of Renji.... And remembered the big sea of feelings that she has toward him... She was about to tear.... But she could hold herself... And didn't let Yushiro see this.... She made up her mind... And said : I'll not marry him.... And I'll not make our ship close more than this.... I have a big priority I wanted.... And I'll make my clan as I wanted always...

Yushiro : okay.... I'll try to make a chance for u.... U just have to wait 1_2 years.... I'm the head of clan now... And when they accept u... U'll be head 24 to the clan..... And.... I hope u to not regret for the decision u made for your personal life...

Soiren : don't worry...

After 2 years... Soiren appears as she wearing Kimono 👘.. And standing in front of her clan members....

Yushiro was besides her.....

Yushiro : I hope u don't regret your decision.... Elizabeth sama...

Soiren told her clan members :

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Soiren told her clan members :

" Now... I'm the head 24 to the clan.... I left my all precious things... My all treasures... Behind me.... And I'm ready to risk my life for u all... "

All refusing to soiren before... Disappeared now.... The whole members shouted in happiness :

" Elizabeth sama!!!!!!!!!!!! We trust u!!!!!! Our power is between your hand now!!! Lead us!!!!!! "

Returning to present *

Renji : but... Why they told u Elizabeth sama?

Soiren : queen Elizabeth 1 decided not to marry anyone because she wouldn't let anyone contribute in leading her kingdom.... Same me... I wouldn't let u... Or anyone else... To contribute... And stop my gaols... My ways... In leading clan....

Renji felt angry suddenly... *Holding her shoulder*

" Soiren!!!!!!!! I didn't know that u r a selfish one as this!!!!!!!!!! U didn't tell me before that u don't mind about ranks!!!! ????????? "

Soiren replied :

"I'm sorry Ren.... I just wanted to lead the clan in my own way... Not as my mom wanted🥺"

Renji : I prefer not to see u again!!!! U r just a bad person decided to leave everything for her own gaols!! Stop showing your kind face to control people!!

Renji : I prefer not to see u again!!!! U r just a bad person decided to leave everything for her own gaols!! Stop showing your kind face to control people!!

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Soiren : I don't do that !!! But... As u said... U'll not see me again... I'll skip my vacation and return to Royal Palace.... *with tears*

 *with tears*

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Our life.... Our memories... Our everything... Will be end forever... Our eyes will not meet again anymore... Because of... Some bad gaols I even didn't think of then before......

;;𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙀𝙣𝙙;;

I have to give a little credit for the end idea.... One of my friends said : Soiren reminds me of queen Elizabeth when she heard that she left Renji before... So... She inspired me to create like this end.... Her name is LobinhaSan
So.. Thank u so much ✨

I hope u enjoyed the story 😁

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