A sign about me

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Soiren continued resting while the others r fighting and protecting her..  She walked hard to reach a house wall in the new Royal Palace ....

Layed down there

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Layed down there... And started looking at the sky..... Closed her eyes... And started remembering a night in the past

*Flash back*

A day at night... After Aizen's war in a few weeks.... (Soiren's hair was still short at this era) ....

She was sitting and feeding her little kittens.... I didn't say this before but Soiren was adopting cats while she is living in SS with Soifon.... She is a big cats lover... She can understand those animals more than anyone....

Remember... She is the cat girl 🐱who can switch to cat and act like them easily....

So... She was counting her cats.... The cats number was just 4 ! And she has 5 !!

(The closest real pic to her kittens in the series 🤭I have this from the internet)

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(The closest real pic to her kittens in the series 🤭I have this from the internet)

She realized that she lost (Ben) .. Her fifth little cat with black fur and some gray lines ...

The anxiety attacked her mind... She wants to find him quickly!!!

Soiren : where is he??? I should go and search about him quickly....

*at the same time *
Renji was walking at night because he can't sleep... In this way.... He found a black cat with gray lines...

Renji's thoughts* : isn't this Soiren's little cat!? I remember I saw her once when she was taking care of them... But how should I bring it to her without letting Soifon_taicho seeing me!? 🤔
But maybe Soiren is so anxious about him!!! I should give it to her now....

He faced his fears and went to her

while she was about to leave the home and run quickly ....she found him suddenly in front of her eyes .... They She accidentally bumped into him...but he caught her....

Renji : Soiren... I'm sorry because I came in this time.... But look! I found him in my way.... Isn't this your cat?

Soiren : *with a big joy but tried to not show it * ohh!! It's my Ben!!!....

*taked the cat from him.... And feel comfortable that it's safe

 And feel comfortable that it's safe

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(This cat was mine IRL😁)

Soiren : thanks Renji.... I was searching about him....

Renji : u r welcome... Soiren...

Soiren : ren.... What's your thoughts about cats? ...

Renji : *wondering about this sudden question * Hmm... To be honest... I don't think in a specific way about them.... I mean.... I don't like them... And I don't hate them.... But I respect your big love to them...

Soiren : I thought the same in the beginning as u... But later.... I started being close to them.... I started understand their thoughts... Maybe u think this idiot a little... Me 😅? Trying to understand cats?! It's silly.... But
It became important for me....

Renji : I didn't say anything yet! And I didn't say it's something silly!! And may u understand this more than me because u switch to cat and able to act like them... And understand their thoughts....

Soiren : that's right.... And I found their feelings... Acts... Instincts... All like humans.... And more than them...

Renji : what's the thing u made u feel that they acts better than humans

Soiren : the mother's priority in protecting children... And risking her life for them... Even that the mother herself... Knows that she can't fight all enemies....I thought that this is the common act to the cat mother.... But at the same time.... I don't think all mothers r the same.... Some of cats mothers r selfish *thinking this about her mother*

Renji : ahh.... I understand why u said this now..... U r still.... Yoruichi_san..... I mean u r still unable to forg that she wasn't with u...

Soiren: let's close this topic now!

Renji : *thought that Soiren felt angry after talking about her mom *
Ahh... Sorry Soiren... We can change it...

Soiren at this time  took out a pen and paper... and started writing... Renji was curious about what she was writing...

What she will write? ... Continue in the next part.....

Soiren/ the leftover Shihouin Where stories live. Discover now