A sign about me 2

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While Soiren was sitting with Renji.... She held a pen and a paper....

Renji wondered 🤔 what was she going to write!....

Soiren didn't explain to renji what she'd write... But she started writing :

Just a small creatures,
The God gave it to us on earth.
It's eyes r like a magic,
It's acts make me boil with feelings.
Did I forget my feelings before?
Yes, but towards them, everything is different.
Does Anyone understand me? I don't mind ,
No one will take me away from them.
No one is ganna hurts them,
I'm here, so, they r safe.

(This poem is my own writing 😁)

Renji was reading.... But he couldn't catch immediately her words toward what!... But Soiren started explaining to him...

Soiren : it was my hobby for years... I like writing poem... More of my poems were hurtful... But this tender poem is about cats....it's one of my ways to convey my feelings and to forget my matters...

Renji : wow.... This is the first time I know that u r writing poem... But u r so talented!!! I like your way in writing!

Soiren : thanks Ren... Now... I feel comfortable when I share my personal things with u...

Renji : Soiren..... U r so nice person! Not as u trying to show others

Soiren : maybe u don't know me very well... Ren...

Renji : I know u very well.... Specially when u try to hide your kindness and pretending as a harsh girl..

Soiren blushed red.... And couldn't answer him quickly....

Soiren : Ren... What if Soifon_taicho discovered us here....she is sleeping now.. But it's a disaster if she wake up and see u here.... Specially... That she discovered us in that night!

(That night in part 4_5 u can check it to remember)

Renji : haaah!! U r right!!! It's a problem!!!!

Soiren :low your voice! R u trying to wake her up! Be careful!

Renji : ah sorry... I was afraid...

Soiren : it's not a problem....but I think u have to leave.. And I'll see u tomorrow...

Soifon waked up suddenly.... And said : Soiren 🥱whom r u talking with? I heard your voice!

Soiren :* told Renji quickly to hide himself behind the tree* ahh Soifon taicho... I was talking to my cats while I was feeding them... Sorry but it's my bad habit 😅

Soifon : u didn't finish feeding them yet 🤨look it's too late time now!

Soiren : ohh I'm sorry... I finished now....

Soifon : so... Go and sleep now.... Tomorrow we have a lot of tasks to do...

Soiren : tasks again 😩I don't want!! ... But it's okay I'll do...

Soiren told Renji in a low voice to go home because she can't continue talking to him now.... And he understood....

Renji's thoughts : actually.... I'm still can't understand this girl a lot.... But my feelings towards her r increasing a lot and a lot.... Idk if I still continue living without her....

Finished the flash back*

Soiren opened her eyes while she was still laying in the Royal Palace during the war.... And said :

"It was a beautiful and funny days I spent in SS.... I don't know what the destiny is hiding for us now... Is it will end.... Or a new life will start for new generation.....

Continue in the next part.....

Soiren/ the leftover Shihouin Where stories live. Discover now