Blood War / incredible 2

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After Soiren's big shock..... When she risked her life and used her all power to keep The Royal Palace... And realized that she was helping Yuhabaha instead of stopping his plans..

Soiren doesn't has Reatsu anymore... She lost her all power....

And no one felt her Reatsu anymore.... Neither Yoruichi... Nor the others....

They all thought Soiren will die... This cat girl who lived away from her parents in most years of her life.....Yoruichi came immediately to see her after she got out from the box .......Soiren now is in front of her mom's eyes... Yoruichi looking at her and feels regret that she was late from her daughter and couldn't save her.....

Yoruichi was tearing a little.... But she didn't show anyone this.....specially.... That she returned to the Royal Palace to face Yuhabaha and all quincies with him....

But Yoruichi stand..... And decided to fight... Not just to save SS..... To continue her daughter's fights and not let all her efforts go away......

Suddenly.... Yushiro and the others reached the Royal Palace......

Yushiro saw Soiren in this case...and shocked to see his niece in this bad case .... He tried to talk to her ....

Yushiro : Soiren San !! Soiren saaaan!!! *crying * why all of this happened to u!!!? I believe u r strong!!! And u'll be one of the strongest Shihouin ever!!!!

Yushiro : Soiren San !! Soiren saaaan!!! *crying * why all of this happened to u!!!? I believe u r strong!!! And u'll be one of the strongest Shihouin ever!!!!

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Soiren wasn't fully aware.... But at least she could reply to him with some words in her withered and tired voice...

Soiren : Yu..... Yushi.... Ro...... I'm..... I'm so... rry....

Yushiro : sorry??? Why r u sorry!!?? We r who should say sorry because we couldn't protect u....u even didn't tell me that u'll join to squad 0 !!!

Soiren : .I'm sorry because...... I couldn't prove that I'm a strong Shihouin in front of u...... And even I'm not qualified to be head 24 to our noble clan.....

Yushiro : never say this Soiren San 🥹.... U did your best to protect SS.... Or even to protect all worlds.... This makes us so proud of u 🥹

Soiren : That makes me comfortable..... Now... I want to sleep.... I don't know if I'll wake up or no..... But..... I want to rest now...

Yushiro : Soiren saaaan 🥺..... I know that u'll not die.... Just sleep well now.... To get your power again.... And in this time.... I'll go to help my sis....

After that.... Yushiro went to help Yoruichi in fighting....and Soiren continued resting till she has her power again....

Continue in the next part....

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