A Race to the End

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July 18th, 2012

July 18th, 2012

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The shower I took was hot, maybe too hot of a shower before a game, but it calmed my nerves. I thought I would be facing off against Itachiyama in the Semi-Finals. I thought, it was nearly guaranteed, but it's not.

When we got out, again, we stretched while watching to TV. This time, we were watching past recordings of Mujinazaka's games. We talked things over and eventually found ourselves on the court at the semi-finals. I had one thought going through my head.

Can I silence the crowd again?

Again, I moved to serve, wanting to start the game off and nobody seemed to be against it. If anything, they encouraged it. The orchestra was playing a series of tunes and I slowly held up one arm again, the other ready to toss the ball up.

I let my hand linger for a moment before snapping it into a fist, the crowd silenced again. I grinned , biting my lip to stop myself from doing so and served over to the other side. Sadly, their libero received it.

The ball was set over to one of their wing spikers. Despite his small size, he could jump high. Though his impact on the ball wasn't strong, which I took to my advantage. My goal, was to tucker out his arms.

We won in two sets. Much to my surprise. I wondered why this team was so much less of a struggle than Itachiyamas team. I competed against both in Semi-Finals.

But now, now we made it to finals.

I screamed, slapping a hand over my mouth when it dawned on me.

'Samu and Suna grabbed me, jumping up and down but I stood in shock.

I was kind of spaced out when shaking their hands, so none of their faces really stuck out to me. I didn't really drink any water and was kind of just mind blown. 'Samu passed me my water bottle so I ended up drinking anyway. I suppose I was really thirsty.

One thing did stick out to me, I could see Sakusa-kun on the rail, not the stands, but the rail. Our matches slightly overlapped so I assumed he probably only saw the last set. It was a fairly quick game. Komori-kun wasn't with him, it was just him. He was willing to put up with the crowded rails to watch me.

I took my water and walked over to the rail, "Proud of me, Sakusa-kun~?"

In all honesty, all I wanted was to know wether he won his game or not. I know what Kuroo-kun said, but I really am hoping to play against Itachiyama instead.

"Why would I be?" He asked.

"Well, did you win?"

"I did."

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