Our Little Girl

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March 29th, 2019

March 29th, 2019

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My hands covered my face and I sat in the car hyperventilating. Kiyoomi took my hand, holding it and giving me a smile. I could tell he was nervous too.

We just got a call from the hospital that told us the girl went into labor. We rushed our way over here to make it. Sadly we can't be in the actual room, and would have to wait for them to get us.

"Kiyoomi 'm freakin' out..." I said, bouncing my leg and looking at him anxiously.

"I'm excited." He smiled, "And nervous."

"'M so excited Omi, that's the problem!"

"Well we only had a week to set up.." He said, scratching the back of his neck. I was thankful we already had the baby carseat.

"Yeah.." I trailed off, then opened the car door and stepped out. It was dark out, we got the call mid movie. I trotted over to the hospital, Kiyoomi stopped at the doors, breathing shallowly.

I slipped my hand into his, "We're here for good reasons Omi, the best reason."

He squeezed my hand, walking in and leading me to the registration. We were taken to a waiting room where we were told to sit. Kiyoomi of course wiped down the seats before sitting down.

My knee was bouncing. We were told the baby was going to be a girl, apparently she didn't have an ultrasound until the last second. Medical care isn't always fantastic in jail.

"We still haven't chosen a name." He said, eyeing me suspiciously.

I've been putting it off since he first brought it up, "I already told ya, I'll tell ya when we see her!"

He hummed, "Shouldn't I have a say in this?"

"Yeah, but ya won't want to!" I chirped.

"I trust you." He said, leaning over and placing a quick kiss on my lips, surprisingly slipping his mask down. My heart fluttered.

"Can ya believe this Omi?" I asked, leg bouncing once again.

His calm facade turned into terror when he saw the nurse walking towards us.

"She's still dilating right now but the doctors are preparing to deliver the baby any minute now." She smiled, I covered my mouth, finally letting the first tear slip. Well in the hospital that is, I was a mess when we got the call.

"We can't come in can we?" I asked.

She shook her head, looking at me apologetically.

"Unfortunately not, that would be up for her to agree to and right now she's not in the state of mind to agree to that."

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