Boys Do Kiss

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July 29th, 2013

July 29th, 2013

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My leg stretched over more than a meter, and I lunged impossibly to set the ball over to 'Samu, ending the second set.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead, jogging over to drink my water and letting it spill on my face.

"MIYA-SAN!!" A few girls screamed, I responded by forming one hand into half of a heart, letting them finish the other half. I smiled to myself before stretching my arms above my head.

We were facing off against Nekoma. I watched the other team, and noticed Kuroo-kun placing a quick kiss onto his setter's lips. The setter covered up his face, I could see his blush from here.

I guess boys do kiss.


"So where are we heading, anyway?" I asked, bringing my knees up to the seat in front of me.

"We're going back to that one French place, 'L something French." Sunarin shrugged.

"L' Effervescence~?" I purred, nailing the French accent.

'Samu rolled his eyes. It was usually two people that fit on a seat, but Suna would join us pretty often. It's cozy.

"Wait, the place we went to with Omi-kun?"

Sunarin eyed me, while 'Samu already was familiar with the name.

"Who?" Suna asked.

"Are ya kiddin' me Rin, the guy he never shuts up about."

My face went ridiculously red, voice cracking "Wh-what I have no idea what y'er on about."

"I just knew him when we were young! That's all, plus he's a good player.."

"I knew him too, 'Tsumu, I'm not as obsessed with him as you are. He's kind of, a dick."

"No he's not!" I defended.

'Stop bothering me, Miya.'

He shrugged it off and before we knew it we were here. I soon realized that all quarter final winners were here. They must have had to reserve the whole damn restaurant to fit eight teams.

I wasn't sure of everyone who won. It would have been nice for Nekoma to be here as well.

From the looks of it I could see Fukorodani, Shiratorizawa, and the horrid highlighter jackets.

Omi was huddled up in the corner uncomfortable, Komori-kun was nowhere to be seen. When I looked at him, he looked at me, and the startle from the sudden eye contact made my stomach swirl. Suddenly, he looked like he felt, a little bit better.

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