Tokyo Morning

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December 4th 2012

December 4th 2012

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring over and over again. I groaned loudly, trying to smack away the sound and instead ended up dropping my phone to the floor in the process. I laid down in the silence, then startled awake. Today was the second day of our camp.

When I looked around I noticed Sakusa-kun was already gone, his bed nicely made. It almost looked like he was never there to begin with, and I couldn't help but hold my breath until I spotted his duffle bag.

I rubbed my eyes and stretched, then went to read the time. My feet jumped up faster than my heart could beat and I rushed into my jersey, practically sprinting down the halls.

I noticed everyone else huddled around the coach and jogged up to them.

"Miya-kun. You're late." He remarked, making me blush pink.

"I- sorry.." I muttered, before coming up with some lame excuse. I went to stand beside Sakusa-kun and leant to his side.

"Ya could've atleast attempted to get me up." I grumbled, now annoyed I didn't get the chance to have breakfast.

"Why should I?" He gave me a judgmental look, making me straighten and back away.

I wanted to be his friend again. I thought about Iwaizumi-kun, and when I finally realized who he was. Though I never got the same desire to talk to him like I did with Sakusa-kun. He's just different.

I got to play against him today, which was good for practice. I spent my time setting to a boy from Karasuno. Apparently they plan on coming to nationals this year, so there's a chance we could face off. For this reason, I took note of their setter and made the effort to talk to him.

At some point Hoshiumi-kun got a little too excited during one of his sets to Sakusa-kun, and practically tackled him to the ground. To my surprise, Sakusa-kun wasn't the one to push him off. Instead, Komori-kun slid over in a panic, pulling Hoshiumi-kun off of Sakusa-kun. Sakusa-kun didn't look angry at all. I expected him to atleast be mildly annoyed, like he would with me. Though instead, I couldn't help but notice he looked scared.

It was really starting to dawn on me that Sakusa-kun is not sick. Or maybe he is, in another way.

He talked to the coach and went off to the showers while we all continued playing. Komori-kun looked pretty anxious afterwords, it was strange.

"What was that about?" I asked, standing across the net from Komori-kun. Neither one of us took our eyes off the ball.

"He's just.. difficult." He sighed, I took that as enough of an answer.

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