15th Anniversary

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March 20th, 2019

March 20th, 2019

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I startled awake, sitting up and letting Kiyoomi flop down beside me. I was quick to take my headphones out, which an alarm was blasting in.

Thankful to not have woken Kiyoomi I snuck out of bed, I was determined to wake up before him. It was a whopping five in the morning, because I knew he was likely to wake up at six, which is crazy in my opinion.

I started to work on a little breakfast cake. It was a plum crumble cake which I was personally very excited to eat. I used little to no sugar and attempted to be as healthy as possible, despite the original recipe.

I bought birthday cake candle numbers and instead of doing twenty-three I did fifteen. This day fifteen years ago I got to meet the best thing that has ever happened to me. This year I get to celebrate with him.

I had a bunch of balloons floating around the house, specifically the edges of counters, tables, and the couch for example. There was a plant pot on the table the had painted cats. I wasn't talented enough to paint it but I found it at a thrift store and thought it was adorable. Inside was a climbing plant. There were other gifts scattered around, all wrapped nicely in brown paper. If I know my Omi I know he's eco-friendly. 

As I suspected he came down before I was ready. I wanted to put streamers up.

"Atsumu..?" He called it tiredly. I ran over to him, pouncing him into a hug.

"Happy birthday Kiyoomi!" I tried not to scream considering he was tired, "And happy anniversary!"

He hummed, hugging around my waist and burying into my chest. I played with his curls, pulling him close.

"It smells good." He mumbled, not pulling away.

"You can rest Omi." I said, he stood up a little.

"No, we should watch the sunset, I've never seen you up this early."

I hummed happily, "Well..."

I trotted over to the lights, flicking them on. He laughed tiredly at the decorations, then came back to rest on me. His arms trailed around me and he kissed my cheek.

"If I knew ya'd be up so early y'er tea would have been ready."

"Eh, I just had to pee and you were gone."

I frowned, unhappy to the idea he woke up alone, especially on his birthday.

"Well.. go pee, I'll make your tea." I smiled, kissing him and moving to the kitchen.

I grabbed his favorite mug and made his tea just like he liked it, no sugar. I got out plates knowing we'd probably eat the cake now and watch the sunset.

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