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August 18th, 2018

August 18th, 2018

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"Oh my god but please ya look so handsome." I said, standing behind Kiyoomi and grinning into the mirror.

"I look like an idiot." He stated.

"No, ya look like a proper fellow." I assured, now standing in front of him.

He glared at me, "You wear it then."

I snorted, "No."

His glare deepened and he ripped the black bowtie off his neck. I booed in return.

"We need to actually get dressed, we need to leave here soon." He reminded.

I groaned, sorting through the clothes in our shared walk in closet. It was very neat. He's very strict about folding. I've figured out that if I don't do something, overtime he'll just do it for me. It's a good system.

In time we got dressed, okay well he did. I couldn't decide.

Kiyoomi came back in the closet to check on me, he was fully ready. He wore a black pullover with a just barely showing white collar underneath. The sweatshirt had white spaced out writing,  with smaller writing underneath. I focused on his face. His pretty curls were pretty and his pretty eyes were pretty too.

I hopped over to kiss him, he caught me by the waist with a smile.

"You're not at all ready." He stated.

"Yeah well maybe we could just stay here and cuddle." I suggested.

"This was your idea!"

I hummed, deciding to style black cargo shorts. I looked around, putting on a white t-shirt with a maroon zip up jacket over the top. I turned back to Kiyoomi who gave two thumbs up.

"Okay let's go."

"I need to style my hair!" I whined.

He rolled his eyes, walking off, "Whatever, Tuna and I are gonna make tea."

We left about a half hour after we intended to, but he was getting used to that with me. As we started to get closer to the party the more uncomfortable Kiyoomi became.

"We can always go back and cuddle now." He suggested, I rolled my eyes.

Eventually we parked and I had to physically pull him out of the car. He groaned, slipping his mask and gloves on. He slid his hands in his pockets, looking miserably at the group of people outside.

"C'mon Omi it'll be fun." I cheered, elbowing his arm.

"You and I have two different definitions of fun."

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