Our Birthday

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Writing this on my birthday, October 4th 

PS: thanks for reading love you <3

- Author-chan

October 5th, 2018

October 5th, 2018

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I yawned, stretching my arm and rolling over Kiyoomi. I snuggled into his chest and made a noise as I did so. Tuna eventually came up and screamed at us.

"I already fed her." Kiyoomi said, kissing my cheek and holding me closer, "Happy birthday Atsu."

I hummed happily at the use of the nickname, "I forgot 's my birthday.."

After just a moment longer I bounded up and sprinted over to my phone.

"'S 'Samu's birthday too!" I squealed, quick to FaceTime him. While the phone rung I took a moment to acknowledge the lovely smell coming from the kitchen.

"Smells good Omi-Omi." I grinned. My eyes shot to the phone when I heard him pick up.



"Happy birthday!"

"Happy birthday!"

Kiyoomi was grinning now, and slid up beside me, not on the camera though.

"When 'r ya leavin' 'Sam 'Sam?"

He yawned, "Later, you have practice, I'll be there by dinner."

"Okay perfect!" I squeaked, "Omi made breakfast 'n 'm starvin', see ya later 'Samu!"

He gave a wave and I set my phone back on the bedside table.

Kiyoomi took my cheek into his hand, placing a slow and soft kiss on my lips. I hummed happily, taking his hand on the way downstairs. 

"Omi!" I squeaked, noticing the birthday decorations.

On the table sat a bouquet of roses, a series of balloons, and colorful streamers. It didn't seem like Kiyoomi's kind of thing but it was definitely mine, and he knew that.

"Is that-" I ran up to the cake, looking back at him.

"Confetti cake." 

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