Jackals and Falcons

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January 17th, 2019

January 17th, 2019

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I drummed against the table, my ring smacking against the wood as I did so. Eventually Kiyoomi got irritated and smacked my hand down.

"Stop it."

I rolled my eyes, focusing on Bokkun from across me.

"I'm literally so excited right now." I said, "I haven't seen Aran in forever."

"I'm excited too! To play! I don't know who that is!" He said it enthusiastically.

"He played for Inarizaki." I told him, "Our Ace."

"Ohh, I was better than him." He said.

"Well you're not the ace now are you." I said it cockily, taking behalf of my fiancé. 

"Dick." He squinted his eyes, looking out the train window. Hinata was slumped by the wall, dead asleep. I laid against the table and peered out the window.

My eyes trailed to Kiyoomi when his hand slid onto my thigh, caressing at my jeans with his thumb. I gave a soft smile, my eyes half lidded. I watched his eyes crease at the corners before closing my own.

It wasn't long after until we arrived.

I was focused on Aran but knew I'd have to find 'Samu first. That would be specifically hard in the crowd since everyone was just now filling the seats. He did say however he'd have another stand. Which was great because his food always hits the spot after a game.

I pulled up my phone, a little oblivious to the fact I was in peoples way. Kiyoomi grabbed my arm, pulling me the right direction along with everyone else. I failed to look up and texted 'Samu asking where he was.

We got a fancy lounge this time as well, and came all the way down to Fukoaka Prefecture.

"'Samu said he's setting up." I said it to nobody in particular, though Kiyoomi acknowledged me none the less.

He continued to space out on me so I quirked a brow. He blushed a little, puffing his cheeks and walking off toward the showers. I wasn't sure why he wanted to go that direction but followed him none the less.

After one quick peak around the room he yanked me into the shower, and pulled me into a quiet kiss.

"Omi!" I squeaked, blushing bright red. His slid a finger over my lips then kissed down my neck and grabbed at my waist. I fiddled with my fingers, pushing him back after a second.

"Omi." I whispered it, furrowing my brows.


I crossed my arms, lowering my voice ten octaves, "Omi, I don't wanna get horny."

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