A Bump in the Road

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August 2nd, 2018

August 2nd, 2018

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I woke up alone, again. Kiyoomi's been sleeping in the other room for nearly a week now; so much so that we had to buy another mattress. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. He says I'm not the problem but then won't tell me what is. His answers are so vague.

He doesn't wake me up anymore, like he would've when we stayed at each other's places. When I do get up early he seems irritated about it, and won't tell me why either. 

I frowned a little, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I made my way over the kitchen where I saw Kiyoomi. He looked a little surprised to see me.

"You're up early."

"Is that okay?" I retorted, a little snarkily.

"It's your house." He commented, leaning against the counter.

I huffed, going off to take a shower, feeling a little annoyed. Everything was pretty great up until recently. He's driving me crazy, and won't tell me anything. Every snip of what he does explain only leaves me with more questions. Eventually I came back out fully dressed.

I went back to the kitchen, greeting Tuna. She loved the new place and we managed to find the perfect cat tree for her. The second room is kind of a cat-guest bedroom.

I watched as Kiyoomi started to make something, pulling a knife out of the cupboard. 

I find most of Kiyoomi's habits endearing, however some have little to no relation to OCD. I know there's something else he's not telling me. It's been on my mind since seeing Ayako. She told me they all went through more than just that. I don't think Kiyoomi would wish death on someone who was just messy. He said he was abusive, and yet I don't quite know what that means.

He's also reacted weird to noises, feelings, sights. I don't get the full picture, and it's starting to affect our relationship.

"Ya slept without me again." I muttered, sitting at the counter. 

He stayed a little silent, continuing on what he was doing.

"Did I do something?" I asked.

"I already said you didn't."

"Then what is it?" I said it tiredly, and it a demanding way. This is far from the first time I asked.

He shook his head.

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