His Name

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May 6th, 2018


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I hummed to the feeling of a warm hand under my shirt, and rolled closer to the heat. I opened my eyes when Omi kissed me.

"Good morning." He smiled, kissing my cheek.

"Mm mornin' Omi-Omi." I mumbled, letting him move me onto his lap. I laid against his chest as he rested his arms around me.

"It's dark outside." I said, turning to look out the window.

"It's early."

I hummed, sitting up on his lap. He was already hard.

"Omi 'r ya always horny?" I asked, laughing a little bit.

Despite us being together for this long, we haven't done much. No pants off. He's tried but I'm just too scared. Of course, he lets off after the first time. It's been awhile since he's asked it of me. I feel guilty, but he ensures I shouldn't feel that way.

"How can I not be, looking at your pretty face." He smiled, brushing the hair from my face.

I hummed happily, tiredly kissing him.

After a second I sat up and yawned, wordlessly going to the bathroom. I was thankful we had our own. When I came back in the room the lights were on.

"What 'r we doin' today?" I asked, sitting down on the bed.

"Well my brother of course had a last minute thing so they won't be back." He rolled his eyes.

"Awhh but the baby." I sulked.

"He's cute huh?"

"Was it true, what he said about ya wantin' three kids?"

"Yeah, I want to give them a perfect life." He said, sitting beside me.

I hummed happily, laying against his shoulder.

"Ichika is off somewhere too."

I frowned, "Awh, I hardly met her."

"Yeah she's kind of elusive, but friendly of course."

I hummed in acknowledgement.

"So I guess the rest of us can do whatever."

"Is anyone awake?" I asked, crawling back on his lap. He leant back to keep me from falling forward, considering we sat on the edge of the bed.

"Mm mm, just us." He smiled, softly kissing my cheek and jaw.

"Omi I don't know I was thinkin'-" I bit my lip, face bright red.

"Hmm?" He asked, tilting my jaw up with his knuckle.

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