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   Outside of the school's main building, on a giant grassy field, the graduating class stands in rows, alphabetized by last name. Family and friends stand on the sides supporting and cheering. The Trojan friendgroup of seven receive their diplomas. After all the students get theirs, the friends find each other in the swarms of people. Hugs are exchanged. The main five talk amongst themselves. Katsu comes from where he was watching on the side, clapping loudly for his friends.

He bounds for the tallest man, "Hi! You've graduated now! So where exactly are you headed after this?"

"...We're going to New York."

"You two? Yeah? For more exy?"


"With Jeremy too." Alex adds, "Different team, but we'll be living together."

"Aw. Well, keep in contact guys." Katsu smiles.

"Sure. Do you think you'll keep playing Exy after college too?" Alex questions the man.

"Oh yeah! I think I wanna make Court." He places his hands on his hips, "What do you think Jean?" Katsu gets a hum and a nod in response.

"Maybe we'll see you there." Alex shrugs nonchalantly.

"Oh?? Sure, I'll see you guys then." He laughs and turns to face the others and talk with them.

Jeremy sadles up beside Jean and whispers to him, "Hey, wanna get out of here?"

"Yes." Jean whispers back. While Alex is pulled into a conversation with Scott, they slip away from the big crowd of people. They trudge around the campus until they find a semi-secluded area. The two sit side by side on the concrete.

"Who knows how long we could've been stuck there talking." Jeremy looks up at the sky.

"It's much quieter here." Jean rests his head against the building behind them and closes his eyes.

"Yeah. It's much more peaceful." He sighs contentedly. Jeremy starts to think about their apartment they've picked out together. In just a few days they'll be living there.

"It's hard to believe we're leaving already." Jean says, opening his eyes.

"Time flew by."

"And we're leaving all together."

"Mm, yeah. I... I know I only met you guys not so long ago but I'm so glad we'll be in the same place."

Jean faces him, "...Alex is glad you are gonna be with us too."

"Yeah? Aw." Jeremy beams then says, "And what about you Jean?"

"What about me?"

"You know what I mean. Are you excited to live with me?" He crosses his arms together.

"Nope." Jean deadpans and shakes his head.

"Liar!" He smirks.

"Whatever." He sneaks a glance at Jeremy who is smiling dopily at the ground. He leans his head back against the wall. They sit in silence for some time, basking in the sun.

Jeremy finds that his gaze keeps landing on Jean every now and then. He fidgets with his hands in his lap. He focuses on staring elsewhere, anywhere but on the man next to him.

It's not the first time he's dealt with this. His eyes automatically finding Jean whenever he is nearby. He's had to deal with it almost all year long. Since they first started to become friends.

It's become more and more of a problem. He can't help it, can't help looking at Jean. Jeremy doesn't want to ever get caught staring like an idiot.

It's Jean's fault anyway. Who let him look that good? Look so effortlessly gorgeous. No matter what he is wearing or what he is doing, he's immaculate in Jeremy's eyes.

He frowns. Jeremy worries about their future together. He really does wonder about being roommates with him. Living together. He should... do something before they move in, right? Express his feelings. Just say how he feels. Jean deserves that, doesn't he?


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